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bomb n.炸弹;原子弹;核弹 vt.爆炸;投炸弹

/ bCm /

1. a container filled with explosive or incendiary material, designed to explode on impact or when detonated by a timing, proximity, or remote-control device
• 炸弹
  [with modifier] an explosive device fitted into a specified object
• 爆炸装置
 »a 100 lb van bomb.
  (the bomb)nuclear weapons considered collectively as agents of mass destruction
• 原子弹,氢弹,核武器
 »she joined the fight against the bomb.
2. a thing resembling bomb in impact or shape, in particular
• (形状和威力)像炸弹的物体
  (也作 volcanic bomb)a lump of lava thrown out by a volcano
• 火山弹
  [informal] a cannabis cigarette
[非正式] 掺大麻的香烟
  [informal] a film, play, or other event that fails badly
[非正式] 失败的电影(戏剧、事件)
 »that bomb of an old movie.
  (a bomb)[Brit. informal] a large sum of money
[英,非正式] 一大笔钱
 »it will cost a bomb in call charges.
  a long forward pass or hit in a ball game
• (球类游戏中的)长传,远射,远投
 »a two-run bomb.
  a pear-shaped weight used to anchor a fishing line to the bottom
• (用以使钓鱼线沉入水底的)梨形重物
3. (da 或 the bomb)[US informal] an outstandingly good person or thing
[美,非正式] 极好的人;极好的东西
 »the site would really be da bomb if its content were updated more frequently.
4. [with obj.] attack (a place or object) with a bomb or bombs
• 轰炸,投弹于
 »they bombed the city at dawn.
 »[as noun bombing] a series of bombings.
  (bomb someone out)make someone homeless by destroying their home with bombs
• 把(某人)炸得无家可归
5. [noobj., with adverbial of direction] [Brit. informal] move or go very quickly
[英,非正式] 疾行
 »we were bombing down the motorway at breakneck speed.
6. [noobj.] [informal] (of a film, play, or other event) fail badly
[非正式] (电影、戏剧或其他事件)惨败,大败
 »it just became another big-budget film that bombed.
go down a bomb
1. [Brit. informal] be very well received
[英,非正式] 备受欢迎
 »those gigs we did went down a bomb.
go like a bomb
Brit. informal
1. very successful
[英,非正式] 非常成功
 »the party went like a bomb.
2. (of a vehicle or person) move very fast
• (车辆、人)迅速移动
look like a bomb's hit it
1. [informal] (of a place) be extremely messy or untidy in appearance
[非正式] (地方)脏乱不堪
bomblet noun
1. late 17th cent.: from French bombe, from Italian bomba, probably from Latin bombus 'booming, humming', from Greek bombos, of imitative origin

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