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bone 骨头

/ bEun /

1. any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates
• 骨,骨头
 »his injuries included many broken bones.
 »a shoulder bone.
  (one's bones)one's body
• 身体,骨骼
 »he hauled his tired bones upright.
  (bones)a corpse or skeleton
• 尸体,骨骸
 »the diggers turned up the bones of a fifteen-year-old girl.
  (bones)(figurative)the basic or essential framework of something
[喻] 基本结构,基本框架
 »you need to put some flesh on the bones of your idea.
  a bone of an animal with meat on it fed to a dog
• (喂狗的)带肉骨头
2. The substance of bones is formed by specialized cells (osteoblasts) which secrete around themselves a material containing calcium salts (which provide hardness and strength in compression) and collagen fibres (which provide tensile strength). Many bones have a central cavity containing marrow
3. [mass noun] the calcified material of which bones consist
• 骨质
 »an earring bone.
  a substance similar to this such as ivory, dentine or whalebone
• 象牙,牙质,鲸鱼骨
  [常作 bones] a thing made or formerly made of such a substance, such as a strip of stiffening for a foundation garment or strapless dress
• (支撑衣服用的)鲸骨
  [一般作 bones] (in southern Africa) one of a set of carved dice or bones used by traditional healers in divination
• (南部非洲)占卜用的骨头
1. [with obj.] remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking it
• 剔骨
2. [with obj.] [US vulgar slang] (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (someone)
[美,粗俚] (男人)与(某人)性交
3. [noobj.] (bone up on)[informal] study (a subject) intensively, typically in preparation for something
[非正式] (尤指为应付某事而)苦学;临时抱佛脚
 »she boned up on languages she had learned long ago and went back to New Guinea.
bone of contention
1. a subject or issue over which there is continuing disagreement
• 争端的焦点
 »the examination system has long been a serious bone of contention.
close to (或 near) the bone
1. (of a remark) penetrating and accurate to the point of causing hurt or discomfort
• (言语)伤人的,令人不舒服的
  (of a joke or story) likely to cause offence because near the limit of decency
• (笑话、故事)近乎下流的
cut (或 pare) something to the bone
1. reduce something to the bare minimum
• 使最小化
 »costs will have to be cut to the bone.
have a bone to pick with someone
1. [informal] have reason to disagree or be annoyed with someone
[非正式] 同…有争端要解决,对…有理由怀恨
in one's bones
1. felt, understood, believed, or known very deeply or instinctively
• 深深地(或本能地)感到,理解,相信,知道
 »something good was bound to happen; he could feel in his bones.
make no bones about
1. have no hesitation in stating or dealing with (something), however unpleasant, awkward, or distasteful it is
• 对…毫不犹豫,对…直言不讳
 »he makes no bones about his feelings towards the militants.
not have a —— bone in one's body
1. have not the slightest trace of the specified quality
• 没有一点(某种特性)
 »she hasn't got a sympathetic bone in her body.
off the bone
1. (of meat or fish) having had the bone or bones removed before being cooked, served, or sold
• (肉、鱼)无骨的
on the bone
1. (of meat or fish) having the bone or bones left in when cooked, served, or sold
• (肉、鱼)带骨的
point the bone at
1. [Austral.] (of an Aboriginal) cast a spell on (someone) so as to cause their sickness or death
[澳大利亚] (土著)以凶符骨指向…咒其倒霉(或丧命)
  (figurative)betray (someone); let (someone) down
[喻] 背叛;辜负
throw the bones
1. [S. African] use divining bones to foretell the future or discover the source of a difficulty by studying the pattern they form when thrown on the ground
[南非] 占卜
to the bone
1. (of a wound) so deep as expose a person's bone
• 及骨,到骨头
 »his thigh had been axed open to the bone.
 »his contempt cut her to the bone.
  (especially of cold) affecting a person in a very penetrating way
• (尤指感冒)给某人带来极深影响
2. see to one's bones below
• 见下面 to one's bones
to one's bones (或 to the bone)
1. used to emphasize that a person has a specified quality or experience in an overwhelming or very fundamental way
• 深入骨髓,彻底地,到极点
 »he's a cop to the bone.
what's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh (或 blood)
1. (proverb)a person's behaviour or characteristics are determined by their heredity
[谚] 江山易改,本性难移
work one's fingers to the bone
1. work very hard
• 不住手地工作;勤奋工作
1. Old English bán, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch been and German Bein

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