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bounce 反弹

/ bauns /

1. [noobj., usu. with adverbial of direction] (of an object, especially a round one such as a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it
• 弹起,反弹
 »the ball bounced away and he chased it.
 »[with obj.] he was bouncing the ball against the wall.
  (of light, sound, or an electronic signal) come into contact with an object or surface and be reflected back
• (光,声音或电子信号接触物体后)反弹,反射
 »short sound waves bounce off even small objects.
  (也作 bounce back)(of an email) be returned to its sender after failing to reach its destination
• (电子邮件因未送达目的地而)被退回
 »I tried to email him, but the message bounced.
  (bounce back)(figurative)recover well after a setback or problem
[喻] (遇到挫折或难题后)迅速恢复
 »the savings rate has already started to bounce back and is sure to rise further.
  (of a springy object) move up and down while remaining essentially in the same position
• 弹跳
 »the gangplank bounced under his confident step.
  (of a person) jump repeatedly up and down, typically on something springy
• (人)不断地跳动,(尤指在某种有弹性的物体上跳动)
 »Emma was happily bouncing up and down on the mattress.
  [with obj.] cause (a child) to move lightly up and down on one's knee as a game
• (作为游戏)让(小孩在膝盖上)跳动
  [with adverbial of direction] move in a particular direction in an energetic, happy, or enthusiastic manner
• 跳跃着前进
 »Linda bounced in through the open front door.
  [with adverbial of direction] (of a vehicle) move jerkily along a bumpy surface
• (交通工具)颠簸前行
 »the car bounced down the narrow track.
  [informal] (of a cheque) be returned by a bank when there are insufficient funds in an account to meet it
[非正式] (支票)遭到银行拒付而被退回
 »a further two cheques of £160 also bounced.
  [with obj.] (of a bank) return a cheque in such circumstances
• (银行)拒付空头支票
  [with obj.] (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)dismiss (someone) from a job
[非正式,主北美] 解雇,开除
 »those who put in a dismal performance will be bounced from the tour.
  [with obj.] [informal] eject (a troublemaker) forcibly from a nightclub or similar establishment
[非正式] 撵走(捣蛋者),逐出
  [with obj.] [Brit. informal] pressurize (someone) into doing something, typically by presenting them with a fait accompli
[英, 非正式] 威吓(某人)做
 »the government should beware being bounced into any ill-considered foreign gamble.
  [with obj.] [W. Indian] come into sudden forceful contact with (some one or something); collide with
[西印度] 撞击,碰撞
 »people cross the road as slowly as possible, as if daring the cars to bounce them.
1. a rebound of a ball or other object
• (球或其他物体的)弹回,跳回
 »the wicket was causing the occasional erratic bounce.
  an act of jumping or an instance of being moved up and down lightly or jerkily
• 颠跳
 »every bounce of the truck brought them into fresh contact.
  [mass noun] the ability of a surface to make a ball rebound in a specified way
• 弹力,弹性
 »a pitch of low bounce.
  a sudden rise in the level of something
• (突然的)上升,上扬
 »economists agree that there could be a bounce in prices next year.
  [mass noun] exuberant self-confidence
• 十足的自信
 »the bounce was now back in Jenny's step.
  [mass noun] health and body in a person's hair
• (头发的)柔韧性,弹性
 »use conditioner to help hair regain its bounce.
  [W. Indian] a collision
[西印度] 碰撞
be bouncing off the walls
1. [N. Amer. informal] be full of nervous excitement or agitation
[北美, 非正式] 激动不安的
bounce an idea off someone
1. [informal] share an idea with another person in order to get feedback on it and refine it
[非正式] 向某人贩卖自己的看法
on the bounce
1. as something rebounds
• 在弹起时
 »he caught the ball on the bounce.
  [informal] in quick succession
[非正式] 接二连三地
 »it's nice to get four victories on the bounce.
1. Middle English bunsen 'beat, thump', perhaps imitative, OR from Low German bunsen 'beat', Dutch bons 'a thump'

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