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bread n.面包;生计,谋生之道

/ bred /

1. [mass noun] food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked
• 面包
 »a loaf of bread.
 »[as modifier] a bread roll.
 »[count noun] Italian breads.
  the bread or wafer used in the Eucharist
• (圣餐中的)饼
 »altar bread.
  [informal] the money or food that one needs in order to live
[非正式] (生存所需之)钱(或食物);生计
 »I hate doing this, but I need the bread.
 »his day job puts bread on the table.
be the best (或 greatest) thing since sliced bread
1. [informal] used to emphasize one's enthusiasm about a new idea, person, or thing
[非正式] 最好的东西(用于强调对新思想,人物或事物的热忱)
1. used to refer to a diet of entertainment or political policies on which the masses are fed to keep them happy and docile
• 面包和马戏观赏(指为安抚目的给予群众的好处或实施的政策);食物和娱乐
bread and water
1. a frugal diet that is eaten in poverty, chosen in abstinence, or given as a punishment
• (因贫困、节食或惩罚而吃的)面包和白开水,粗茶淡饭
bread and wine
1. the consecrated elements used in the celebration of the Eucharist; the sacrament of the Eucharist
• 圣餐
the bread of life
1. something regarded as a source of spiritual nourishment
• 精神食粮
break bread
1. celebrate the Eucharist
• 分圣餐;领圣餐
  [dated] share a meal with someone
[旧] 共餐
one cannot live by bread alone
1. people have spiritual as well as physical needs
• 人无法仅靠面包生活,精神需要和肉体需要同等重要
cast one's bread upon the waters
1. do good without expecting gratitude or reward
• 不期望报答地做好事,真心行善不求回报
one's daily bread
1. the money or food that one needs in order to live
• 生活必需品,食物
 »she earned her daily bread by working long hours.
know which side one's bread is buttered (on)
1. [informal] know where one's advantage lies
[非正式] 明白自己的利益之所在;善于为自己打算
take the bread out of (或 from) people's mouths
1. deprive people of their livings by competition or unfair working practices
• 抢某人的饭碗,夺某人的生计
want one's bread buttered on both sides
1. [informal] want more than is practicable or than is reasonable to expect
[非正式] 抱有不切实际的希望;提出不合情理的要求
1. Old English brēad, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch brood and German Brot

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