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break vt.打破;中止;违反 vi.破(裂) n.休息时间

/ breik /

(past broke ;past participle broken )
1. separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain[no obj.] [with obj.]
• 打破,打碎
 »the slate fell from my hand and broke in two on the hard floor.
 »windows in the street were broken by the blast.
  [with obj.] (of a person or animal) sustain an injury involving the fracture of a bone or bones in (a part of the body)
• (人或动物)骨折
 »she had broken her leg in two places.
  [no obj.] (of a part of the body or a bone) sustain a fracture
• (指身体的某个部分或骨头)骨折
 »what if his leg had broken?
  [with obj.] cause a cut or graze in (the skin)
• 割破,擦破(皮肤)
 »the bite had scarcely broken the skin.
  make or become inoperative
• (使)失效,失灵
 »[no obj.] the machine has broken and they can't fix it until next week.
 »[with obj.] he's broken the video.
  (of the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus) be or cause to be discharged when the sac is ruptured in the first stages of labour
• (孕妇的羊水)破裂
 »[no obj.] she realized her waters had broken.
  [with obj.] open (a safe) forcibly
• 强行打开,砸破(保险箱)
  [with obj.] use (a banknote) to pay for something and receive change out of the transaction
• 兑开(纸币)
 »she had to break a tenner.
  [no obj.] (of two boxers or wrestlers) come out of a clinch, especially at the referee's command
• (尤指拳击手在裁判下令分开时)分开,抱持后拆散
  [with obj.] unfurl (a flag or sail)
• 展开(旗帜或船帆)
  [with obj.] succeed in deciphering (a code)
• 破译,破解(密码)
  [with obj.] disprove (an alibi)
• 证明(不在犯罪现场的辩护)不实
2. [with obj.] interrupt (a continuity, sequence, or course)
• 打断(连续性、次序和过程)
 »the new government broke the pattern of growth.
 »his concentration was broken by a sound.
  put an end to (a silence) by speaking or making contact
• (以说话或联系)打破(沉默)
  make a pause in (a journey)
• (旅行时)停顿,停留
  [no obj.] stop proceedings in order to have a pause or vacation
• 中止(会议议程以短暂休息或度假)
 »at mid-morning they broke for coffee.
  lessen the impact of (a fall)
• 减轻(落体的)冲击力度
  stop oneself being subject to (a habit)
• 使放弃习惯;放弃(习惯)
 »try to break the habit of adding salt at the table.
3. [no obj., with adverbial] (chiefly of attacking player or team, or of military force) make a rush or dash in a particular direction
• (体育比赛或军队作战时攻方)出击,猛冲
 »Mitchell won possession and broke quickly, allowing Hughes to score.
  surpass (a record)
• 打破(纪录)
 »the film broke box office records in the US.
  disconnect or interrupt (an electric circuit)
• 切断(电路)
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a bowled cricket ball) change direction of bouncing, due to spin
• 使(板球)突然转向
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] [Soccer] (of the ball) rebound unpredictably
[英足] (球)突然弹开
 »the ball broke to Craig but his shot rebounded from the post.
4. [with obj.] fail to observe (a law, regulation, or agreement)
• 违反,不执行(法律、规则或协定)
 »the council says it will prosecute traders who break the law.
 »a legally binding contract which can only be broken by mutual consent.
  fail to continue with (a self-imposed discipline)
• 中断(自我约束)
 »diets started without preparation are broken all the time.
5. [with obj.] crush the emotional strength, spirit, or resistance of
• 压垮(感情力量,精神,反抗)
 »the idea was to better the prisoners, not to break them.
  [no obj.] (of a person's emotional strength or control) give way
• (人的精神力量或自控能力)垮掉
 »her self-control finally broke.
  destroy the power of (a movement or organization)
• 摧毁
  destroy the effectiveness of (a strike), typically by moving in other people to replace the striking workers
• 破坏(罢工的)影响(尤指通过调入新人员取代罢工工人)
6. [no obj.] undergo a change or enter a new state, in particular
• 变化,进入新状态,尤指
  (of the weather) change suddenly, especially after a fine spell
• (一段时间的晴天后天气)突变
 »the weather broke and thunder rumbled through a leaden sky.
  (of a storm) begin violently
• (暴风雨)爆发
  (of dawn or a day) begin as the sun rises
• (天)破晓,(晨曦)初露
 »dawn was just breaking.
  (of clouds) move apart and begin to disperse
• (云)散开
  (of waves) curl over and dissolve into foam
• (波浪)卷碎,破碎(成泡沫)
 »the Caribbean sea breaking gently on the shore.
  (of a person's voice) falter and change tone, due to emotion
• (人的声音由于感情激动而)颤抖
 »her voice broke as she relived the experience.
  (of a boy's voice) change in tone and register at puberty
• (男孩嗓音)青春期变粗
  [Phonetics] (of a vowel) develop into a diphthong, under the influence of an adjacent sound
[语音] (元音)发生割裂而变成双元音
  (of prices on the stock exchange) fall sharply
• (股价)暴跌
  (of news or a scandal) suddenly become public
• (新闻或丑闻)突然传开
 »since the news broke I've received thousands of wonderful letters.
  [with obj.] (break something to someone)make bad news known to (someone)
• 向某人透露坏消息
  make the first stroke at the beginning of a game of billiards, pool, or snooker
• 开球破局(打台球、撞球或斯诺克时第一杆把聚在一起的球打散)
1. an interruption of continuity or uniformity
• 打破(连贯性或统一性),间断
 »the magazine has been published without a break since 1950.
  an act of separating oneself from a pre-existing state of affairs
• 断绝
 »a break with the past.
  a change in the weather
• 天气突变
  [with modifier] a change of line, paragraph, or page
• 换行,换段,换页
 »dotted lines on the screen show page breaks.
  a change of tone in a person's voice due to emotion
• (因情感作用)嗓音突变
  an interruption in an electric circuit
• (电路)中断
  [Cricket] a change in the direction of a bowled ball on bouncing
[板球] (投出的球)弹开,转向
  a rush or dash in a particular direction, especially by an attacking player or team
• (尤指球员或球队)进攻
 »Norwich scored on a rare break with 11 minutes left.
  [informal] an opportunity or chance, especially one leading to professional success
[非正式] 机会,机遇,(尤指事业成功的)转机
 »his big break came when a critic gave him a rave review.
  (也作 break of serve 或 service break)[Tennis] the winning of a game against an opponent's serve
[网球] 对方发球而己方获胜局,破发
2. a pause in work
• 中断,暂停,休息
 »I need a break from mental activity.
 »they take long coffee break.
  [Brit.] an interval during the school day
[英] 课间休息
 »the bell went for break.
  a short holiday
• 短假
 »a weekend break in the Cotswolds.
  a period or time taken out of one's professional activity in order to do something else
• 事假
 »those returning to work after a career break.
  a short solo or instrumental passage in jazz or popular music
• (爵士或流行音乐中的)独奏(或器乐演奏)短段
3. a gap or opening
• 缺口,口子
 »the track bends left through a break in the hedge.
 »he stopped to wait for a break in the traffic.
4. an instance of breaking something; the point where something is broken
• 破裂,折断,损坏;裂口,裂缝,断裂处
 »he was stretchered off with a break to the leg.
5. [Snooker & Billiards] [斯诺克,台球] a consecutive series of successful shots, scoring a specified number of points
• 一次连续得分
 »a break of 83 put him in front for the first time.
  a player's turn to make the opening shot of a game
• 开局
6. a bud or shoot sprouting from a stem
• 芽,蓓蕾
7. [informal] an escape, typically from prison
[非正式] 逃跑(尤指越狱)
break one's back
1. put great effort into achieving something
• 努力做成某事
break the back of
1. accomplish the main hardest part of (a task)
• 完成某项任务中最困难的部分
 »we've broken the back of the problem.
  overwhelm or defeat
• 制服,击败
 »I thought we really had broken the back of inflation.
break the bank --› see bank
break bread --› see bread
break camp --› see camp
break cover
1. (of game being hunted) emerge into the open
• (被追猎的动物)从隐藏处跳(飞)出来
break one's duck --› see duck
break someone's heart --› see heart
break the ice --› see ice
break a leg!
1. (theatrical slang)good luck!
[舞台俚语] 好运气!
break the mould --› see mould
break of day
1. dawn
• 破晓
break rank --› see rank
break (someone's) serve (或 service)
1. win a game in a tennis match against an opponent's service
• 对方发球己方得分,破发
break ship
1. [Nautical] fail to rejoin one's ship after absence on leave
[航海] (船员)逾假不归
break step --› see step
break wind
1. release gas from the anus
• 放屁
give someone a break
1. [usu. inimperative] [informal] stop putting pressure on someone about something
[非正式] 停止给某人施加压力
  (give me a break)used to express contemptuous disagreement or disbelief about what has been said
• (表示不信别人胡诌乱编)得了吧;别以为我会这么笨;收起你的噱头
 »He's seven times as quick and he's only 20 years old. Give me a break!.
make a break for
1. make a sudden dash in the direction, especially in a bid to escape
• (尤指为逃跑而)冲向
 »he made a break for the door.
make a clean break
1. remove oneself completely and finally from a situation or relationship
• 彻底脱离(某种环境或关系)
that's (或 them's) the breaks
1. [N. Amer. informal] that's the way things turn out (used to express resigned acceptance of a situation)
[北美,非正式] 到头来总是这个样(表示甘愿逆来顺受)
1. Old English brecan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch breken and German brechen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin frangere 'to break'
break away
1. (of a person) escape from someone's hold
• 挣脱,逃脱
  escape from the control of a person, group, or practice
• 摆脱(某人、组织或习俗的)控制
 »an attempt to break away from the elitism that has dominated the book trade.
  (of a competitor in a race) move into the lead
• (赛跑中参赛者)领先
  (of a material or object) become detached from its base, typically through decay or under force
• 脱落,脱离
break down
1. (of a machine or motor vehicle) suddenly cease to function
• 出故障,抛锚
 »his van broke down.
  (of a person) experience a sudden failure of function in the vehicle they are driving
• 突遇车辆抛锚
 »she broke down on the motorway.
  (of a relationship, agreement, or process) cease to continue; collapse
• (关系、协议、过程)决裂,中断;崩溃
 »pay negotiations with management broke down.
  lose control of one's emotions when in a state of distress
• (感情)失去控制
 »the old woman broke down in tears.
  (of a person's health or emotional control) fail or collapse
• (人的健康或情感)垮掉
2. undergo chemical decomposition
• 化学分解
 »waste products which break down into low-level toxic materials.
break something down
1. demolish a door or other barrier
• 毁坏(门或其他障碍)
 »they had to get the police to break the door down.
 »class barriers can be broken down by educational reform.
2. separate something into a number of parts
• 分解
 »each tutorial is broken down into more manageable units.
  analyse information
• 分析信息
 »bar graphs show how the information can be broken down.
  convert a substance into simpler compounds by chemical action
• 分解(利用化学作用将物质转化为较简单的化合物)
 »almost every natural substance can be broken down by bacteria.
break even
1. reach a point in a business venture when the profits are equal to the costs
• 不盈不亏,得失相等
break forth
1. burst out suddenly; emerge
• 爆发,迸发
break free
1. another way of saying break away
• 同 break away
break in
1. force entry to a building
• 强行闯入
2. [with direct speech] interject
• 插话
 »‘I don't want to interfere’ , Mrs Hendry broke in.
break someone in
1. familiarize someone with a new job or situation
• 使某人熟悉新工作(或新环境)
 »there was no time to break in a new foreign minister.
2. (break a horse in)accustom a horse to a saddle and bridle, and to being ridden
• 驯马
break something in
1. wear something, typically new shoes, until becomes supple and comfortable
• 使(新物件等)经使用后逐渐变得合用,磨合(尤指将新鞋逐渐穿得舒服合脚)
break in on
1. interrupt
• 打断
 »the doctor's voice broke in on her thoughts.
break into
1. enter or open (a place, vehicle, or container) forcibly, especially for the purposes of theft
• (尤指为盗窃目的)破门而入
 »two raiders broke into his home.
 »a friend of mine had his car broken into.
  succeed in winning a share of (a market or a position in a profession)
• 分占(市场或职位)
 »foreign companies have largely failed to break into the domestic-equity business.
  interrupt (a conversation)
• 打断(谈话)
  (of a person) suddenly or unexpectedly burst forth into (laughter or song)
• 突然笑起来(或唱起来)
  (of person's face or mouth) relax into (a smile)
• (脸部或嘴角)放松,笑
2. change one's pace to (a faster one)
• 加快步伐
 »Greg broke into a sprint.
break off
1. become severed
• 断裂
 »the fuselage had broken off just behind the pilot's seat.
  abruptly stop talking
• 突然住口
 »she broke off, stifling a sob.
break something off
1. remove something from a larger unit or whole
• 断开,撕开
 »Tucker broke off a piece of bread.
  abruptly end or discontinue something
• 突然停止,突然中断
 »Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.
break something open
1. open something forcibly
• 打破,冲破
break out
1. (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly
• (战争,战斗或类似的不受欢迎的事件)突然爆发
 »forest fires have broken out across Indonesia.
  (of a physical discomfort) suddenly manifest itself
• (身体不适)突然发作
 »prickles of sweat had broken out along her backbone.
break out in
1. (of a person or a part of their body) be suddenly affected by an unpleasant sensation or condition
• (人体)突感不适
 »she had broken out in a rash.
break out of
1. escape from
• 逃脱
 »a prisoner broke out of his cell.
 »executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy.
break something out
1. [informal] open and start using something
[非正式] 打开(或开启)…以供使用
 »it was time to break out the champagne.
break through
1. make or force a way through (a barrier)
• 突破(障碍),冲破
 »demonstrators attempted to break through the police lines.
 »the sun might break through in a few spots.

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