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breast n.胸脯,乳房;胸部 vt.挺胸迎…而上

/ brest /

1. either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body which secrete milk after pregnancy
• (女性的)乳房
  the corresponding less-developed part of a man's body
• (男性的)乳房
  a person's chest
• 胸部,胸膛
 »her heart was hammering in her breast.
  the corresponding part of a bird or mammal
• (鸟或哺乳动物的)胸膛,胸脯
 »[as modifier] the breast feathers of the doves.
  a joint of meat or portion of poultry cut from such a part
• (家禽的)胸脯肉
 »Lisa popped a breast of chicken into the microwave.
  the part of a garment that covers the chest
• (衣服的)胸部
 »[as modifier] a breast pocket.
  a person's chest regarded as the seat of the emotions
• 心窝,情感
 »wild feelings of frustration were rising up in his breast.
1. [with obj.] face and move forwards against or through (something)
• 面对,挺胸而上
 »I watched him breast the wave.
  reach the top of (a hill)
• 攀登(山的)顶峰
beat one's breast
1. make an exaggerated show of sorrow, despair, or regret
• 捶胸(以示悲哀,失望或懊悔之情)
make a clean breast of something --› see clean
breasted adjective
1. Old English brēost, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch borst and German Brust

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