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breath n.气息,呼吸的空气;呼吸;微风

/ breW /

1. [mass noun] the air taken into or expelled from the lungs
• 气息,呼出(或吸入的)空气
 »I was gasping for breath.
 »his breath smelled of garlic.
  an inhalation or exhalation of air from the lungs
• 呼吸
 »she drew a quick breath.
  [mass noun] (archaic)the power of breathing; life
[古] 呼吸能力,生命
  [insing.] a slight movement of air
• 微风
 »the weather was balmy, not a breath of wind.
  [insing.] a sign, hint, or suggestion
• 迹象,暗示
 »he avoided the slightest breath of scandal.
before one can (或 has time to) draw breath
1. before one can do anything, such is the speed of events
• 顷刻之间,弹指之间
a breath of fresh air
1. a small amount of or a brief time in the fresh air
• 少量的新鲜空气,短暂的时间内呼吸到的新鲜空气
  a refreshing change
• 带来新鲜感的变化
 »Mike, my present husband, was a breath of fresh air.
the breath of life
1. a thing that someone needs or depends on
• 生命中不可缺少的东西
 »politics has been the breath of life to her for 50 years.
catch one's breath
1. cease breathing momentarily in surprise or fear
• (因惊讶或害怕而)屏息
2. rest after exercise to restore normal breathing
• 松一口气,歇一口气
don't hold your breath
1. [informal] used to indicate that something is unlikely to happen
[非正式] (用于表示某事不会发生)别憋着呼吸,别期望太高
 »Next thing you know I'll be knitting baby clothes. But don't hold your breath!.
draw breath
1. breathe in
• 吸气
get one's breath back
1. begin to breathe normally again after exercise or exertion
• 喘过气来,恢复正常呼吸
hold one's breath
1. cease breathing temporarily
• 屏气
  (figurative)be in a state of suspense or anticipation
[喻] 焦急,期待
 »France held its breath while the Senate chose its new president.
in the — breath
1. used to refer to the place of a statement in a sequence of statements, typically one containing a contradiction or inconsistency
• 在…时
 »she admitted it but said in the same breath that it was of no consequence.
the (或 one's) last breath
1. the last moment of one's life (often used hyperbolically); death
• 临终,濒死;死
 »she would fight to the last breath to preserve her good name.
out of breath
1. gasping for air, typically after exercise
• (尤指运动后)喘不过气来
take breath
1. pause to recover free and easy breathing
• 歇口气,歇会儿透口气
take someone's breath away
1. astonish or inspire someone with awed respect or delight
• 使某人激动(或惊羡)得透不过气来
under (或 below) one's breath
1. in a very quiet voice; almost inaudibly
• 压低嗓子,低声地
 »he swore violently under his breath.
waste one's breath
1. talk or give advice without effect
• 徒费唇舌,白说
 »I've far better things to do than waste my breath arguing.
1. Old English brǣth smell, scent, of Germanic origin; related to brood

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