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breathe n.呼吸,低声说出;发出(气味等)

/ bri:T /

1. [no obj.] take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process
• 呼吸
 »she was breathing deeply.
 » breathe in through your nose.
 »he breathed out heavily.
 »[with obj.] we are polluting the air we breathe.
  be or seem to be alive; because of this
• 活着,生存
 »at least I'm still breathing.
  (poetic/literary)(of wind) blow softly
[诗/文] (风)轻吹
  [with direct speech] say something with quiet intensity
• (低声细气地)说出,吐露
 »‘We're together at last’ , she breathed.
  (of animal or plant) respire or exchange gases
• (动植物)呼吸
 »plants breathe through their roots.
  [with obj.] give an impression of (something)
• 呈现出,留下…印象
 »the whole room breathed an air of hygienic efficiency.
  (of wine) be exposed to fresh air
• (酒)暴露于新鲜空气
 »letting a wine breathe allows oxygen to enter.
  (of material or soil) admit or emit air or moisture
• (材料,土壤)通气,透水
 »let your lawn breathe by putting air into the soil.
  [with obj.] allow (a horse) to rest after exertion
• 让(马)小憩缓气,使歇息
  (breathe upon)(archaic or poetic/literary)tarnish or taint
[古,诗/文] 失去光泽,玷污
 »before the queen's fair name was breathed upon.
breathe (freely) again
1. relax after being frightened or tense about something
• (害怕,紧张之后)放松,放下心来
 »she wouldn't breathe freely again until she was airborne.
breathe down someone's neck
1. follow closely behind someone
• 紧跟在某人后面
  constantly check up on someone
• 密切监视某人
breathe one's last
1. die
• 死
breathe (new) life into
1. fill with enthusiasm and energy; reinvigorate
• 注入活力,振兴
 »the Prime Minister would breathe new life into his party.
not breathe a word
1. remain silent about something secret
• 保守秘密,守口如瓶
1. Middle English (in the sense 'exhale, steam'): from breath

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