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breed v.培养,滋生

/ bri:d /

(pastandpast participle bred )
1. [with obj.] cause (an animal) to produce offspring, especially in a controlled and organized way
• 繁殖,产(仔),(通过人工交配)育种
 »bitches may not be bred from more than once a year.
  [no obj.] (an animals) mate and then produce offspring
• 产仔,繁殖
 »toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed.
  develop (a kind of animal or plant) for a particular purpose or quality
• (为某种目的而)培育(动、植物),育种
 »these horses are bred for this sport.
  rear and train (someone) to behave in a particular way to have certain qualities
• 培养,养育
 »Theodora had been beautifully bred.
  produce or lead to (something), typically over a period of time
• 产生,惹起,酿成
 »success had bred a certain arrogance.
  [Physics] create (fissile material) by nuclear reaction
[物理] 增殖,再生(通过核反应产生可裂变物质)
1. a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection
• (经人工培育的动﹑植物的)同一品种,种;属
  a sort or kind of person or thing
• (人或物的)类型,种类
 »a new breed of entrepreneurs was brought into being.
breed apart
1. a sort or kind of person that is very different from the norm
• 不同寻常的人
 »health-service staff are a breed apart with their dedication to duty.
a dying breed
1. a sort or kind of person that is slowly disappearing
• 正在消失的某一类人
 »the country's dying breed of elder statesmen.
what's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh (或 blood) --› see bone
1. Old English brēdan 'produce (offspring), bear (a child'), of Germanic origin; related to German brüten, also to brood

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