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brick n.砖块,砖;v.用砖围砌,用砖填补

/ brik /

1. a small rectangular block typically made or fired sun-dried clay, used in building
• 砖,砖块
  [mass noun] bricks collectively as a building material
• 砖
 »this mill was built of brick.
 »[as modifier] a large brick building.
  a small, rectangular object
• 砖形物
 » a brick of ice cream.
  [Brit.] a child's toy building block
[英] 积木
2. [Brit. informal, dated] a generous, helpful, and reliable person
[英,非正式旧] 慷慨可靠的人,乐于助人的人
 »‘You are really a brick, Vi,’ Gloria said.
1. [with obj.and usu. with adverbial] [常作 be bricked] block or enclose with a wall of bricks
• 用砖墙围起,用砖砌起
 »the doors have been bricked.
2. (be bricking oneself)[Brit. vulgar slang] be extremely worried or nervous
[英,粗俚] 极紧张,非常担心
be built like a brick shithouse
--› see shithouse
a brick short of a load --› see short
bricks and mortar
1. buildings, typically housing
• 建筑物(尤指住房)
 »untold acres are being buried under bricks and mortar.
  a building, typically a house, considered in terms of its value as an investment
• 房产
  [as modifier] used to denote a business that operates conventionally rather than (or as well as) over the Internet
• (企业)按传统模式(而非通过因特网)运营的;既以传统模式又通过因特网经营的
 »the bricks-and-mortar banks.
come up against (或 hit) a brick wall
1. face an insuperable problem or obstacle while trying to do something
• 遇见不可克服的困难
like a ton of bricks
1. [informal] with crushing weight, force, or authority
[非正式] 具有压倒性的重量(影响或权威),势不可挡
 »the FA came down on him like a ton of bricks.
you can't make bricks without straw
1. (proverb)nothing can be made or accomplished without proper or adequate material or information
[谚] 巧妇难为无米之炊
1. late Middle English : from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch bricke, brike; probably reinforced by Old French brique; of unknown ultimate origin

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