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bright a.明亮的,睛朗的;职敏的,机灵的;欢快的


1. giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining
• 明亮的,发亮光的
 »the sun was dazzlingly bright.
 »her bright, dark eyes.
 »an aversion to bright light.
  full of light
• 明亮的
 »the rooms are bright and spacious.
  (of a period of time) having sunny, cloudless weather
• 晴朗的
 »the long, bright days of June.
  having a vivid colour
• 色彩鲜亮的
 »the bright flowers.
 »a bright tie.
  (of colour) vivid and bold
• 鲜艳的
 »the bright green leaves.
2. (of sound) clear, vibrant, and typically high-pitched
• (声音)清晰的
 »her voice is fresh and bright.
3. (of a person, idea, or remark) intelligent and quick-witted
• 聪明的,机灵的
 »she was amiable, but not very bright.
 »a bright idea.
4. giving an appearance of cheerful liveliness
• 欢快的,充满幸福的
 »at breakfast she would be persistently bright and chirpy.
 »she gave a bright smile.
  (of someone's future) likely to be successful and happy
• (前途)光明的
 »these young people have a bright future ahead of them.
1. (chiefly poetic/literary)brightly
[主诗/文] 明亮地,光辉地
 »a full moon shining bright.
noun, (brights)
1. bold and vivid colours
• 明亮醒目的颜色
 »a choice of fashion colours from pastels through to brights.
2. [N. Amer.] headlights switched to full beam
[北美] 亮度打足的(汽车)前灯
 »he turned the brights on and we drove along the dirt road.
bright and early
1. very early in the morning
• 一大早
(as) bright as a button
1. [informal] intelligently alert and lively
[非正式] 机灵到极点
the bright lights
1. the glamour and excitement of city life
• 声色犬马的都市生活
 »they hankered for the bright lights of the capital.
look on the bright side
1. be optimistic or cheerful in spite of difficulties
• (在困境中)看局势的光明面,抱乐观态度
brightish adjective
brightly adverb
brightness noun
1. Old English beorht, of Germanic origin

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