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brush n.刷子;轻碰;小冲突vt.刷vi.(against)触到

/ brQF /

1. an implement with a handle, consisting of bristles, hair, or wire set into a block, used for cleaning or scrubbing, applying a liquid or powder to a surface, arranging the hair, or other purposes
• 刷子,毛刷,梳子,画笔
 »a shaving brush.
  an act or sweeping, applying, or arranging with such an implement or with one's hand
• 刷,掸,拂
 »he gave the seat a brush.
  [一般作 brushes] a thin stick set with long wire bristles, used to make a soft hissing sound on drums or cymbals
• 刷子(用于鼓,钹等打击乐器,以发出嘶嘶的声音)
  the bushy tail of a fox
• 狐狸尾巴
2. a slight and fleeting touch
• 轻拂,轻抹,轻擦
 »the lightest brush of his lips against her cheek.
  a brief and typically unpleasant or unwelcome encounter with someone or something
• 短暂的遭遇;不愉快(或不受欢迎的接触)
 »a brush with death.
3. a piece of carbon or metal serving as an electrical contact with a moving part in a motor or alternator
• 电刷
4. [mass noun] [Austral. informal] girls or women, especially when regarded sexually. (see tail )
[澳非正式] (性感的)女人(或女孩)
 »‘Beer first, brush later.’.
1. [with obj. and adverbial] remove (dust or dirt) by sweeping or scrubbing
• 擦掉(泥巴),掸去(灰尘)
 »we'll be able to brush the mud off easily.
 »he brushed himself down.
  [with obj.] use a brush or one's hand to remove dust or dirt from (something)
• (用刷子或手将灰尘)从…上拂去(或刷掉)
 »she brushed down her best coat.
  [with obj.] clean (one's teeth) by scrubbing with a brush
• 刷(牙)
  [with obj.] arrange (one's hair) by running a brush through it
• 梳(头)
  [with obj.] apply a liquid to (a surface) with a brush
• 涂液体于(表面)
 »brush the potatoes with oil.
  apply (a liquid or substance) to a surface
• 涂(液体或物质)于面上
 »a coat of French polish was brushed over the repair.
2. [no obj.] touch lightly and gently
• 轻触
 »stems of grass brush against her legs.
  (brush past)touch fleetingly and in passing
• 轻擦,轻拂,轻抹
 »she brushed past him to leave the room.
  [with obj.] push (something) away with a quick movement of the hand
• 推开,拂开
 »she brushed a wisp of hair away from her face.
  [with obj.] (brush something aside)dismiss something curtly and confidently
• 不理,不顾
 »he brushed aside attacks on his policies.
  [with obj.] (brush someone/thing off)dismiss in an abrupt, contemptuous way
• 漠视,置之不理
 »the president brushed off a reporter's question about terrorism.
brushless adjective
1. (chiefly technical)
 »a brushless motor.
brush-like adjective
1. Middle English : noun (except sense 4) from Old French broisse; verb partly from Old French brosser 'to sweep'
brush someone back
1. [Baseball, informal] (of a pitcher) force a batter to step back to avoid being hit by a ball pitched close to the body
[棒球非正式] (投球手)迫使击球手后退以免被投出的近身球击中
brush up on (或 brush something up)
1. improve one's previously good knowledge of or skill at a particular thing
• 温习,复习
 »brush up on your telephone skills.
1. [mass noun] (chiefly N. Amer. & Austral./NZ)undergrowth, small trees, and shrubs
[主北美, 主澳/新西兰] 下层丛林,矮灌木丛
  land covered with such growth
• 灌木丛林地
  [N. Amer.] cut brushwood
[北美] 砍下(或断下)的树枝,柴枝
  [Austral./NZ] dense forest
[澳/新西兰] 密林
1. Middle English : from Old French broce, perhaps based on Latin bruscum, denoting an excrescence on a maple

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