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bucket n.水桶,一桶之量,吊桶

/ 5bQkit /

1. a roughly cylindrical open container, typically made of metal or plastic and having a handle, used to hold and carry liquids
• 桶,水桶,吊桶
  the contents of such a container or the amount it can contain
• 一桶的量
 »she emptied a bucket of water over them.
  (buckets)[informal] large quantities of liquid, typically rain or tears
[非正式] 大量液体(尤指雨水或眼泪)
 »I wept buckets.
  a compartment on the outer edge of a waterwheel
• (水车的)戽斗
  the scoop of a dredger or grain elevator
• (挖掘机的)铲斗,(谷物升运器的)勺斗
  a scoop attached by two movable forks to the front of a loader, digger, or tractor
• (装卸设备,挖掘器,拖拉机等前面安装的)挖斗,铲斗
  [Computing] a unit of data that can be transferred from a backing store in a single operation
[计算机] 存储桶
(bucketed, bucketing), [no obj.]
1. [Brit. informal] (it buckets, it is bucketing , etc.)rain heavily
[英,非正式] 下大雨
 »it was still bucketing down.
2. [with adverbial of direction] [informal] (of a vehicle) move quickly and jerkily
[非正式] (车辆)快速颠簸着行驶
 »the car came bucketing out of a side road.
bucketful noun pl. -fuls
1. Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French buquet 'tub, pail', perhaps from Old English būc 'belly, pitcher'

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