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build vt.建造,建筑;建设,建立 vi.增大,增强

/ bild /

(past and past participle built )
1. [with obj.] [常作 be built] construct (something, typically something large) by putting parts or material together over a period of time
• 建筑,建造,盖
 »the ironworks were built in 1736.
  commission, finance, and oversee the building of (something)
• 委托(或提供资金,监管)建造
 »the county council plans to build a bypass.
  (build something in/into)incorporate (something) and make it a permanent part of a structure, system, or situation
• 使成为组成部分;安装,固定
 »engineers want to build in extra traction.
  [Computing] compile (a program, database, index, etc.)
[计算机] 编(程序、数据库、索引等)
  [no obj.] (of a program, database, index, etc.) be compiled
• (程序,数据库,索引等)被编
  establish and develop (a business, relationship, or situation) over a period of time
• 建立,发展(生意,关系或形势)
 »he'd built up the store from nothing.
  [no obj.] (build on)use as a basis for further progress or development
• 以…为发展基础
 »Britain should build on the talents of its workforce.
  increase the size, intensity, or extent of
• 增大,加强
 »we built up confidence in our abilities.
 »[no obj.] the air of excited anticipation builds.
1. [mass noun] the proportions of a person's or animal's body
• 体形,体格
 »she was of medium height and slim build.
 »[in sing.] he was an ideal build for a sprinter.
2. the style or form of construction of something, especially a vehicle
• (尤指车辆的)造型,结构
3. [Computing] a compiled version of a program
[计算机] 构件
  [mass noun] the process of compiling a program
• 编程过程
build one's hopes up
1. become ever more hopeful or optimistic about something
• 对…抱有更大希望(变得更加乐观)
built on sand
1. (figurative)without reliable foundations or any real substance
[喻] 不切实际;不牢固;不稳妥
1. Old English byldan, from bold, botl 'dwelling', of Germanic origin; related to bower

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