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bulk n. 大而笨重的

/ bQlk /

1. [mass noun] the mass or magnitude of something large
• (巨大的)容积,体积;(大)量
 »the sheer bulk of the bags.
  [count noun] a large mass or shape, for example of a building or a heavy body
• 大块,大的外形(如建筑物或大块状的实体)
 »he moved quickly in spite of his bulk.
  [as modifier] large in quantity or amount
• 大数量
 »bulk orders of over 100 copies.
  (the bulk)the majority or greater part of something
• 大部分,一大半
 »the bulk of the traffic had passed.
  roughage in food
• 食物中的纤维质
 »bread and potatoes supply energy, essential protein, and bulk.
  cargo in an unpackaged mass such as grain, oil, or milk
• 散装货
  [Printing] the thickness of paper or a book
[印刷] (纸或书的)厚度
1. [no obj.] be or seem to be of great size or importance
• (看起来)很重要
 »territorial questions bulked large in diplomatic relations.
2. [with obj.] treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it in fact is
• 使(产品)数量显得很大
 »traders were bulking up their flour with chalk.
  [no obj.] (bulk up)build up flesh and muscle, typically in training for sporting events
• (尤指在为体育比赛做准备的训练中)增强肌肉
  [常作 be bulked] combine (shares or commodities for sale)
• 结合(待售的股票或商品)
in bulk
1. (of goods) in large quantities and generally at a reduced price
• (商品)大量而折价销售的
 »retail multiples buy in bulk.
2. (of a cargo or commodity) not packaged; loose
• (货物商品)松散的,散装的
 »sugar is imported in bulk and bagged on the island.
1. Middle English : the senses 'cargo as a whole' and 'heap, large quantity' (the earliest recorded) are probably from Old Norse búlki 'cargo'; other senses arose perhaps by alteration of obsolete bouk 'belly, body'

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