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bus n.公共汽车,总线,信息通路

/ bQs /

(pl. buses ; 美亦作 busses)
1. a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare
• 公共汽车
 »[as modifier] a bus service.
  (informal, dated)a motor car, aircraft, or other vehicle, regarded with familiarity or affection
[非正式,旧] (熟悉或喜欢的)汽车,飞机,其他运输工具
2. [Computing] a distinct set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a computer system, to which pieces of equipment may be connected in parallel
[计算机] 总线
(buses 或 busses, bused 或 bussed, busing 或 bussing)
1. [with obj.andadverbial of direction] [常作 be bussed] transport in a communal road vehicle
• (用公用车)运送
 »staff were bussed in and out of the factory.
  [N. Amer] transport (a child of one race) to a school where another race is predominant, in an attempt to promote racial integration
[北美] 用公共汽车载送;用校车载送(尤指为促进种族融合而载送学校中少数种族的学生)
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] travel by road in a public vehicle
• 乘公共汽车
 »the priest bussed in from a neighbouring parish.
2. [with obj.] (chiefly N. Amer.)remove (dirty plates and dishes) from a table in a restaurant or cafeteria
[主北美] (从餐馆桌上)撤掉(脏盘碟)
  remove dirty plates and dishes from (a table)
• 拿走脏盘碟
1. early 19th cent.: shortening of omnibus

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