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button n.扣子,电钮,按钮 vt.&vi.扣上(扣子)

/ 5bQtEn /

1. a small disc or knob sewn on to a garment, either to fasten it by being pushed through a slit made for the purpose or for decoration
• 纽扣,扣子
  a knob on a piece of electrical or electronic equipment which is pressed to operate it
• 按钮
  (chiefly N. Amer.)a badge bearing a design or slogan and pinned to the clothing
[主北美] 纽扣徽章,圆形徽章
  a small round object resembling a button
• 纽扣状物
 »chocolate buttons.
  [Fencing] a knob fitted to the point of a foil to make it harmless
[剑] 剑头防护帽
  used in reference to things of little worth
• 没有值钱的东西
 »he will never give away anything that is worth a button.
1. [with obj.] fasten (clothing) with buttons
• 扣上(扣子),把…的纽扣扣上;用纽扣扣住
 »he buttoned up his jacket.
  (button someone into)fasten the buttons of a garment being worn by someone
• 扣紧(穿在身上的)衣服
 »he buttoned himself into the raincoat.
  [no obj.] (of a garment) be fastened with buttons
• (衣服)用纽扣扣紧
 »a dress which buttoned down the front.
  attach buttons to
• 钉扣子
 »white shiny plastic that was buttoned here and there.
  [often inimperative] (button it)[informal] stop talking
[非正式] 闭嘴
button one's lip
1. [informal] stop or refrain from talking
[非正式] 不吭声,住嘴
on the button
1. (informal, chiefly US)punctually
[非正式, 主美] 准时的;如期的
 »she would arrive on the button.
  exactly right
• 完全正确
 »his pond was right on the button in terms of size.
press the button
1. [informal] initiate an action or train of events (often used to refer to the ease with which a nuclear war might be started)
[非正式] 发动(事件)(常用来形容发动核战争多么容易)
push (或 press) someone's buttons
1. [informal] arouse or provoke a reaction of someone
[非正式] 引起反应
 »don't allow co-workers to push your buttons.
buttoned adjective
 »[incombination] a gold-buttoned blazer.
buttonless adjective
buttony adjective
1. Middle English : from Old French bouton, of Germanic origin and related to butt
button something up
1. [informal] complete or conclude something satisfactorily
[非正式] 圆满结束
 »trying to button up a deal.
2. [often as adj. buttoned] repress or contain something
• 压制(或控制)的
 »it was repressive enough to keep public opinion buttoned up.

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