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buy vt.买,买得;向…行贿,收买vi.购买东西

/ bai /

(buys, buying;pastandpast participle bought ), [with obj.]
1. obtain in exchange for payment
• 买,购
 »we had to find some money to buy a house.
 »he had been able to buy up hundreds of acres.
 »[with two objs] he bought me a new frock.
 »[no obj.] homeowners who buy into housing developments.
  (buy someone out)pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share
• 买下(某人)的所有权(或产权、股份)
  (buy oneself out)obtain one's release from the armed services by payment
• 付钱使…免服兵役
  procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery
• 向…行贿,收买
 »here was a man who could not be bought.
 »I'll buy off the investigators.
  [often with negative] be a means of obtaining (something) through exchange or payment
• 换得;买到;获得
 »money can't buy happiness.
  [常作 be bought] get by sacrifice or great effort
• (做出牺牲或付出极大努力而)得到
 »greatness is dearly bought.
  [no obj.] make a profession of purchasing goods for a store or firm
• (为商店或公司)采购
2. [informal] accept the truth of
[非正式] 接受;相信
 »I am not prepared to buy the claim that the ends justify the means.
 »[no obj.] I hate to buy into stereotypes.
3. (bought it)[informal] used to indicate that someone has died
[非正式] (某人)死亡
 »his friends had bought it in the jungle.
1. [informal] a purchase
[非正式] 购买之物
 »the wine is a good buy at £3.49.
  an act of purchasing something
• 购买
 »phoney drug buys.
buy the farm
1. [N. Amer. informal] die
[北美,非正式] 死亡
buy time
1. delay an event temporarily so as to have longer to improve one's own position
• (暂时拖延以)赢得时间,争取时间
1. Old English bycgan, of Germanic origin
buy something in
1. purchase goods for stock; stock up with something
• 大量买进;贮存
2. withdraw something at auction because it fails to reach the reserve price
• (因拍卖品出价未达底价而)收回

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