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cane n.(藤等)茎;手杖

/ kein /

1. the hollow jointed stem of a tall grass, especially bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem of a slender palm such as rattan
• (尤指竹子、甘蔗或藤条的)中空有节的茎
  any plant that produces such stems
• 长节茎植物
  [mass noun] stems of bamboo, rattan, or wicker used as a material for making furniture or baskets
• 竹料;藤条;柳条(用于制作家具或篮子)
 »[as modifier] a cane coffee table.
  short for sugar cane
• sugar cane 的简称
  a flexible woody stem of the raspberry plant or any of its relatives
• (悬钩子等植物的)软木茎
2. a length of cane or a slender stick, especially one used as a support for plants, a walking stick, or an instrument of punishment
• 竹杖;藤条;棍棒
  (the cane)a form of corporal punishment used in certain schools, involving beating with a cane
• (某些学校的)棍棒体罚
 »wrong answers were rewarded by the cane.
verb, [with obj.]
1. [常作 be caned] beat with a cane as a punishment
• 用棍棒责打
2. [usu. as adjcaned] make or repair (furniture) with cane
• 用藤条编制(或修补)(家具)
 »armchairs with caned seats.
3. [Brit. informal] take (drink or drugs) in large quantities
[英,非正式] 大量饮酒;大量吸毒
 »the others were probably out caning it in some bar.
caner noun
1. late Middle English: from Old French, via Latin from Greek kanna, kannē, of Semitic origin

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