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cant 术语;暗语(唱出来的话→暗语)


noun, [mass noun]
1. hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, typically of a moral, religious, or political nature
• (尤指道德、宗教或政治方面的)伪善言辞;道貌岸然的话
 »he had no time for the cant of the priests about sin.
2. [as modifier] denoting a phrase or catchword temporarily current or in fashion
• 流行语
 »‘herstories’ rather than ‘histories’ as the cant phrase goes.
  language peculiar to a specified group or profession and regarded with disparagement
• 黑话,切口
 »thieves' cant.
1. [no obj.] [dated] talk hypocritically and sanctimoniously about something
[旧] 发伪善的言论;说道貌岸然的话
 »if they'd stop canting about ‘honest work’ they might get somewhere.
1. early 16th cent.: probably from Latin cantare 'to sing' (see chant ). The early meaning was 'musical sound, singing'; in the mid 17th cent. this gave rise to the senses 'whining manner of speaking' and 'form of words repeated mechanically in such a manner' (for example a beggar's plea), hence 'jargon' (of beggars and other such groups)
1. [with obj.] cause (something) to be in a slanting or oblique position; tilt
• 使(某物)倾斜,使翘起
 »he canted his head to look at the screen.
  [no obj.] take or have a slanting position
• 倾斜,翘起
 »mismatched slate roofs canted at all angles. .
  [no obj.] (of a ship) swing round
• (船)改变方向
 »the ship canted to starboard.
1. [in sing.] a slope or tilt
• 斜面;倾斜
 »the outward cant of the curving walls.
2. a wedge-shaped block of wood, especially one remaining after the better-quality pieces have been cut off
• (尤指较好部分砍掉后的)楔形木材
1. Middle English (denoting an edge or brink): from Middle Low German kant, kante, Middle Dutch cant 'point, side, edge', based on a Romance word related to medieval Latin cantus 'corner, side'

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