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card n.卡,卡片,名片;纸片;纸牌,纸牌游戏

/ kB:d /

1. a piece of thick, stiff paper or thin pasteboard, in particular one used for writing or printing on
• (尤指用于书写或印刷的)厚纸片;薄纸板
 »some notes jotted down on a card.
 »[mass noun] a piece of card.
  such a piece of thick paper printed with a picture and used to send a message or greeting
• (传递信息或问候的)卡片;明信片;贺卡
 »a birthday card.
  a small piece of such paper with a person's name and other details printed on it for purposes of identification, for example a business card or a visiting card
• 名片
2. a small rectangular piece of plastic issued by a bank or building society, containing personal data in a machine-readable form and used chiefly to obtain cash or credit
• (银行或建屋互助会的)信用卡
  a similar piece of plastic used for other purposes such as paying for a telephone call or gaining entry to a room or building
• 塑料功能卡(如电话卡或房间、楼宇出入卡)
3. a playing card
• 纸牌
 »a pack of cards.
  (cards)a game played with playing cards
• 纸牌戏
4. [Computing] . short for expansion card
[计算机] expansion card 的简称
5. (cards)[Brit. informal] documents relating to an employee, especially for tax and national insurance, held by the employer
[英,非正式] (尤指雇主持有、有关税金和国民保险方面的)雇员文件
6. a programme of events at a race meeting
• (赛马会的)日程表;节目单
  a record of scores in a sporting event; a scorecard
• (比赛)记分卡
  a list of holes on a golf course, on which a player's scores are entered
• (标明高尔夫球手得分的)记分卡
7. (informal, dated or N. Amer.)a person regarded as odd or amusing
[非正式, 旧或 北美] 古怪(或引人发笑)的人
 »He laughed: ‘You're a card, you know’.
verb, [with obj.]
1. write (something) on a card, especially for indexing
• (尤指为做索引而)在卡片上记录
2. [N. Amer.] check the identity card of (someone), in particular as evidence of legal drinking age
[北美] (尤指为核实是否达到合法饮酒年龄而)核查某人的身份证
3. [informal] (in golf and other sports) score (a certain number of points on a scorecard)
[非正式] (高尔夫等运动中)(在记分卡上)记分,得分
 »he carded 68 in the final round.
4. (be carded)[Canadian] (of an amateur athlete) be in receipt of government funding to pursue training
[加] (业余运动员)受政府资助以进行训练
a card up one's sleeve
1. [Brit.] a plan or asset that is kept secret until it is needed
[英] 必要时才公开的计划(或优势);锦囊妙计
get one's cards
1. [Brit. informal] be dismissed from one's employment
[英,非正式] 被解雇,被开除
give someone their cards
1. [Brit. informal] dismiss someone from employment
[英,非正式] 解雇,开除
hold all the cards
1. be in a very strong or advantageous position
• 处于非常强势(或有利)的位置
on (或北美
1. [informal] possible or likely
[非正式] 可能的;也许的
 »our marriage has been on the cards from day one.
play the — card
1. exploit the specified issue or idea mentioned, especially for political advantage
• (尤指为政治利益而)利用某问题(或观点),打…牌
 »he saw an opportunity to play the peace card.
play one's cards right
1. make the best use of one's assets and opportunities
• 发挥优势;把握良机
put (或 lay) one's cards on the table
1. be completely open and honest in declaring one's resources, intentions, or attitude
• 坦陈(某人的办法、意图或态度),摊牌
1. late Middle English (in sense 3 of the noun): from Old French carte, from Latin carta, charta, from Greek khartēs 'papyrus leaf'
1. [with obj.] comb and clean (raw wool, hemp fibres, or similar material) with a sharp-toothed instrument in order to disentangle the fibres before spinning
• (纺纱前为理顺纤维而用利齿工具)梳理,清理(原毛,大麻纤维等)
1. a toothed implement or machine for this purpose
• 梳理机
carder noun
1. late Middle English: from Old French carde, from Provençal carda, from cardar 'tease, comb', based on Latin carere 'to card'

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