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cart n.二轮马车,手推车 vt.用车运送;载运

/ kB:t /

1. a strong open vehicle with two or four wheels, typically used for carrying loads and pulled by a horse
• 敞篷大车(尤指马拉的货车)
  a light two wheeled open vehicle pulled by a single horse and used as a means of transport
• 单马轻便两轮敞篷车
 »he drove them in a pony and cart. .
  a shallow open container on wheels that may be pulled or pushed by hand
• 小车,手推车
  (也作 shopping cart)[N. Amer.] a supermarket trolley
[北美] 超市手推车
verb, [with obj.]
1. [常作 be carted] convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle
• 用大车(或类似车辆)运送;放入大车(或类似车辆)内
 »the meat was pickled in salt and carted to El Paso.
2. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] [informal] carry (a heavy or cumbersome object) somewhere with difficulty
[非正式] 费力地运送(笨重物品)
 »they carted the piano down three flights of stairs.
  remove or convey (someone) somewhere unceremoniously
• 随意打发(或运送)
 »they carted off the refugees in the middle of the night.
  [Cricket] hit (the ball) with a powerful stroke that sends it a long way; play such a stroke against (the bowler)
[板球] 大力击远球,(击球员向投球手)强击(球)
 »he carted Sinfield for six.
in the cart
1. [Brit. informal] in trouble or difficulty
[英非正式] 在困境中
put the cart before the horse
1. reverse the proper order or procedure of something
• 本末倒置
carter noun
cartful noun pl. -fuls
1. Middle English: from Old Norse kartr, probably influenced by Anglo-Norman French and Old Northern French carete, diminutive of carre (see car )

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