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cast v.投掷;铸造;投(票) n.铸件;模子;石膏

/ kB:st /

(past and past participle cast)
1. [with obj., usu. with adverbial of direction] throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction
• 猛扔,掷,投,抛
 »they cast themselves off the cliff.
 »individuals who do not accept the norms are cast out from the group.
  throw (something) so as to cause it to spread over an area
• 抛撒
 »the fishermen cast a large net around a school of tuna.
 »he cast his net far and wide in search of evidence.
  direct (one's eyes or a look) at something
• 将(视线,目光)投向
 »she cast down her eyes.
 »[with two objs] she cast him a desperate glance.
  [with obj.] throw the hooked and baited end of (a fishing line) out into the water
• 抛鱼钩
  [with obj.] register (a vote)
• 登记(选票),投(票)
 »votes have been cast in 40 per cent of the seats.
  [with obj.] [Hunting] let loose (hounds) on a scent
[猎] 放开(猎狗)以探寻嗅迹
  [no obj.] [Hunting] (of a dog) search in different directions for a lost scent
[猎] (狗)四处探寻失踪的嗅迹
 »the dog cast furiously for the vanished rabbit.
  [with obj.] let down (an anchor or sounding line)
• 抛锚;放测深索
  [with obj.] immobilize (an animal, especially a cow) by using a rope to cause it to fall on its side
• 用绳子绊倒(动物,尤指母牛)
2. [with obj. and adverbial of place] cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface
• 投射(光,影)
 »the moon cast a pale light over the cottages.
 »running costs were already casting a shadow over the programme.
  cause (uncertainty or disparagement) to be associated with something
• 把(怀疑,轻视)加诸
 »journalists cast doubt on the government's version of events.
 »I do not wish to cast aspersions on your honesty.
  cause (a magic spell) to take effect
• 使(魔咒)生效,施法
 »the witch cast a spell on her to turn her into a beast.
  巫婆施法,把她变成了野兽 。
 »the city casts a spell on the visitor.
3. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] discard
• 抛弃
 »he jumped in, casting caution to the wind.
  shed (skin or horns) in the process of growth
• (生长过程中)蜕(皮);脱(角)
 »the antlers are cast each year.
  (of a horse) lose (a shoe)
• (马)失(蹄铁)
4. [with obj.] shape (metal or other material) by pouring it into a mould while molten
• 浇铸(金属等)
  make (a moulded object) in this way
• 铸造
 »a bell was cast for the church.
  arrange and present in a specified form or style
• 安排,表现
 »he issued statements cast in tones of reason.
  calculate and record details of (a horoscope)
• 用(星相)占卜
5. [no obj., usu. with adverbial of direction] (in country dancing) change one's position by moving a certain number of places in a certain direction along the outside of the line in which one is dancing
• (乡村舞蹈中的)转向(舞者沿外线移动位置)
1. an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mould
• 铸件,塑件
 »bronze casts of the sculpture.
  (也作 plaster cast)a mould used to make such an object
• 模子,模型
  (也作 plaster cast)a bandage stiffened with plaster of Paris, moulded to the shape of a limb that is broken and used to support and protect it
• (支撑或保护断肢的)石膏绷带
2. an act of throwing something forcefully
• 猛扔,掷,投,抛
 »he grabbed a spear for a third cast.
  (archaic)a throw or a number thrown at dice
[古] 掷骰子;掷骰的点数
  [Fishing] a throw of a fishing line
[渔] 抛钓丝
  [Brit.] the leader of a fishing line
[英] 接钩绳
3. [in sing.] [with adj. or noun modifier] the form or appearance of something, especially someone's features
• 形状;外观,外貌
 »she had a somewhat masculine cast of countenance.
  the character of something
• 特性,特点
 »this question is for minds of a more philosophical cast than mine.
  the overall appearance of someone's skin or hair as determined by a tinge of a particular colour
• (人的)肤色或发色
 »the colours he wore emphasized the olive cast of his skin.
4. a slight squint
• 轻度斜视
 »he had a cast in one eye.
5. a convoluted mass of earth or sand ejected on to the surface by a burrowing worm
• (钻洞的蠕虫排放到表面的)泥土堆,沙堆
  a pellet regurgitated by a hawk or owl
• (鹰或猫头鹰的)颗粒状呕吐物
6. a search made by a hound or pack of hounds over a wide area to find a trail
• (猎狗)探寻嗅迹
  [Austral./NZ] a wide sweep made by a sheepdog in mustering sheep
[澳/新西兰] (牧羊犬赶拢羊群时的)四周搜寻
be cast in a – mould
1. be of the type specified
• 为某种类型
 »he was cast in a cautious mould.
cast adrift --› see adrift
cast one's bread upon the waters --› see bread
cast one's eyes over
1. have a quick appraising look at
• 快速查看
 »he was invited to cast his eyes over the exhibition.
cast light on --› see light
cast lots --› see lot
cast one's mind back
1. think back to a particular event or time
• 回顾,回忆
 »he cast his mind back to the fatal evening.
1. Middle English: from Old Norse kasta 'to cast or throw'
cast about (或 around 或 round)
1. search far and wide (physically or mentally)
• 四处寻找;反复思索
 »he is restlessly casting about for novelties.
be cast away
1. be stranded after a shipwreck
• (船失事后)搁浅
be cast down
1. feel depressed
• 沮丧
 »she was greatly cast down by abusive criticism of her novels.
cast off (或 cast something off)
1. [Knitting] take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge
[编织] 收针
2. set a boat or ship free from her moorings
• 解缆放船
 »the boatmen cast off and rowed downriver.
 »Jack cast off our moorings.
  (cast off)(of a boat or ship) be set free from her moorings
• (小船,轮船)被解开系缆
3. let loose a hunting hound or hawk
• 放开猎狗(或猎鹰)
4. [Printing] estimate the space that will be taken in print by manuscript copy
[印刷] (根据原稿件)估计版面篇幅
cast someone off
1. exclude someone from a relationship
• 与某人绝交
cast on (或 cast something on)
1. [Knitting] make the first row of a specified number of loops on the needle
[编织] 起针
 »cast on and knit a few rows of stocking stitch.
cast something up
1. (of the sea) deposit something on the shore
• (大海)在岸上沉淀某物,把…冲上岸
2. [dated] add up figures
[旧] 把数字加起来
1. the actors taking part in a play, film, or other production
• (戏剧、电影等的)一组演员
 »he draws sensitive performances from his inexperienced cast.
(past and past participle cast)
1. [with obj.] assign a part in a play or film to (an actor)
• 给…分配角色
 »he was cast as an oriental ruler.
 »King John has been cast by tradition as a villain.
  allocate parts in (a play or film)
• 分配角色
1. mid 17th cent.: a special use of cast in sense 4 of the verb

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