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cause n.原因,理由,缘故;事业 vt.使产生,引起


1. a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition
• 起因;原因
 »the cause of the accident is not clear.
  [mass noun] reasonable grounds for doing, thinking, or feeling something
• 正当理由
 »Faye's condition had given no cause for concern.
 »[with infinitive] the government had good cause to avoid war.
 »[count noun] class size is a cause for complaint in some schools.
2. a principle, aim, or movement to which one is deeply committed and which one is prepared to defend or advocate
[为之奋斗的] 原则[或目标、运动] [所主张和捍卫的] 事业
 »she devoted her whole adult life to the cause of deaf people.
  [with adj.] something deserving of one's support, typically a charity
• 值得支持的事(尤指慈善事业)
 »I'm raising money for a good cause.
3. a matter to be resolved in a court of law
• 诉讼事由
  an individual's case offered at law
• 个人诉讼案件
1. [with obj.] make (something) happen
• 使(某事)发生,引起
 »this disease can cause blindness.
 »[with obj. and infinitive] we have no idea what has happened to cause people to stay away.
cause and effect
1. the principle of causation
• 因果性,因果律
  the operation or relation of a cause and its effect
• 因果作用,因果关系
cause of action
1. [Law] a fact or facts that enable a person to bring an action against another
[律] 诉讼理由
in the cause of
1. so as to support, promote, or defend something
• 为了…事业,捍卫,支持
make common cause
1. unite in order to achieve a shared aim
• (为达到共同目标而)联合
 »nationalist movements made common cause with the reformers.
a rebel without a cause
1. a person who is dissatisfied with society but does not have a specific aim to fight for
• 无由的反叛者[对社会不满但没有具体奋斗目标的人]
causeless adjective
causer noun
1. Middle English: from Old French, from Latin causa (noun), causare (verb)

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