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chain n.链,链条;一连串 vt.(用链条)拴住,束缚

/ tFein /

1. a connected flexible series of metal links used for fastening or securing objects and pulling or supporting loads
• 链子,链条
  (chains)such a series of links, or a set of them, used to confine a prisoner
• 枷锁,镣铐
 »the drug dealer is being kept in chains.
  such a series of links worn as a decoration or badge of office
• (作装饰或公职标志的)项链
  (figurative)a force or factor which binds or restricts someone
[喻] 约束,束缚
 »workers secured by the chains of the labour market.
2. a sequence of items of the same type forming a line
• 一连串,一系列(同类物)
 »he kept the chain of buckets supplied with water.
  a sequence or series of connected elements
• 一连串,一系列(相关元素);连锁
 »the action would initiate a chain of events.
  a group of hotels or shops owned by the same company
• (某公司下属的)连锁旅馆或商店,联号
 »the agency is part of a nationwide chain.
  a part of a molecule consisting of a number of atoms (typically carbon) bonded together in a linear sequence
• 分子链
  a figure in a quadrille or similar dance, in which dancers meet and pass each other in a continuous sequence
• 转链动作(方阵舞或类似舞蹈中的一组动作,舞者周而复始地相遇后互相擦肩而过)
  a connected series of mountains
• 山链
 »a mountain chain.
3. a jointed measuring line consisting of linked metal rods
• (由相连的金属棒组成的)测链
  the length of such a measuring line (66 ft)
• 测链的长度(66英尺)
4. (chains)a structure of planks projecting horizontally from a sailing ship's sides abreast of the masts, used to widen the basis for the shrouds
• 舷侧支索扣板(向帆船两舷水平方向突出,与桅杆并列的木板支承结构,用于加宽桅杆支索的基底)
1. [with obj.] fasten or secure with a chain
• 用链条拴住
 »she chained her bicycle to the railings.
  confine with a chain
• 用链条禁锢,拘禁,锁住
 »he had been chained up.
 »as an actuary you will not be chained to a desk.
pull (或 yank) someone's chain
1. [US informal] tease someone, typically by leading them to believe something untrue
[美,非正式] 戏弄,揶揄某人(尤指使其相信不实之事)
1. Middle English: from Old French chaine, chaeine, from Latin catena 'a chain'

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