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chair v. 主持preside v. 主持,主管

/ tFZE /

1. a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs
• 椅子
  (historical)a sedan chair
[史] 轿子
  short for chairlift
• chairlift 的简称
2. the person in charge of a meeting or of a commercial or political organization (used as a neutral alternative to chairman or chairwoman)
• 会议主持人;会长;主席(用作中性词,替代 chairman 或 chairwoman)
 »the deputy chair of the Supreme Soviet.
  an official position of authority, for example on a board of directors
• 职位,席位(如董事会席位)
 »the editorial chair.
3. a professorship
• 教授职位
 »he held a chair in physics.
4. (the chair) [US] . short for electric chair
[美] electric chair 的简称
5. (chiefly Brit.)a metal socket holding a rail in place on a railway sleeper
[主英] (铁路)轨座
verb, [with obj.]
1. act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event)
• 担任(组织、会议或公共活动的)主席,主持,监管
2. [Brit.] carry (someone) aloft in a chair or in a sitting position to celebrate a victory
[英] 用椅子(或以坐姿)把(某人)高高抬起(以庆祝胜利)
take the chair
1. act as chairperson
• 担任主席;主持
1. Middle English: from Old French chaiere (modern chaire 'bishop's throne, etc.', chaise 'chair'), from Latin cathedra 'seat', from Greek kathedra.
--› compare cathedral

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