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chalk vt.用粉笔写或画 n.白垩;粉笔

/ tFC:k /

noun, [mass noun]
1. a white soft earthy limestone (calcium carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures
• 白垩
  a similar substance (calcium sulphate), made into white or coloured sticks used for drawing or writing
• (硫酸钙制成的)粉笔
  [count noun] [Geology] a series of strata consisting mainly of chalk
[地质] 白垩地层
2. short for French chalk
• French chalk 的简称
verb, [with obj.]
1. draw or write with chalk
• 用粉笔画(或写)
  draw or write on (a surface) with chalk
• 用粉笔画(或写)于(表面)
2. rub (something, especially a snooker cue) with chalk
• 用白垩粉擦(桌球杆等)
3. [Brit.] charge (drinks bought in a pub or bar) to a person's account
[英] 把(酒钱)记于(某人)账上
as different as (或 like) chalk and cheese
1. [Brit.] fundamentally different or incompatible
[英] 截然不同的;毫不相容的
by a long chalk
1. [Brit.] by far
[英] …得多;最
chalk and talk
1. [Brit.] teaching by traditional methods focusing on the blackboard and presentation by the teacher as opposed to more informal or interactive methods
[英] 使用黑板板书和老师主讲的传统教学法
not by a long chalk
1. [Brit.] by no means; not at all
[英] 决不;一点也不
1. Old English cealc (also denoting lime), related to Dutch kalk and German Kalk, from Latin calx (see calx )
chalk something out
1. sketch or plan
• 粗略地计划;规划
chalk something up
1. draw or write something with chalk
• 用粉笔画(或写)
2. achieve something noteworthy
• 取得,达到
 »he has chalked up a box office success.
3. ascribe something to a particular cause
• 把…归于
 »I chalked my sleeplessness up to nerves.

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