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chance vi.碰巧,偶然发生 n.机会,可能性;偶然性

/ tFB:ns /

1. a possibility of something happening
• 可能性
 »there is a chance of winning the raffle.
 »[mass noun] there is little chance of his finding a job.
  (chances)the probability of something happening, often with a desirable outcome
• (常指获得称心结果的)可能性
 »he played down his chances of becoming chairman.
  [in sing.] an opportunity to do or achieve something
• 机会
 »I gave her a chance to answer.
2. [mass noun] the occurrence and development of events in the absence of any obvious design or cause
• 偶然,巧合
 »he met his brother by chance.
 »[count noun] what a lucky chance you are here.
  the unplanned and unpredictable course of events regarded as a power
• 机缘,天意
 »chance was offering me success.
1. [no obj., with infinitive] do something by accident or without design
• 偶然;碰巧
 »he was very effusive if they chanced to meet.
  (chance upon/on/across)find or see by accident
• 碰巧发现,偶然看见
 »he chanced upon an interesting advertisement.
2. [with obj.] [informal] do (something) despite its being dangerous or of uncertain outcome
[非正式] 冒险做(某事)
 »they chanced a late holiday.
as chance would have it
1. as it happened
• 凑巧,偏偏
by any chance
1. possibly (used in tentative enquiries or suggestions)
• 万一,也许(用于试探性的询问或提议)
 »were you looking for me by any chance?
chance one's arm (或 luck)
1. [Brit. informal] undertake something although it may be dangerous or unsuccessful
[英,非正式] 冒险一试
chance would be a fine thing
1. [informal] expressing a speaker's belief that something is desirable but the opportunity is unlikely to arise
[非正式] 成功固然好,只惜良机少
no chance
1. [informal] there is no possibility of that
[非正式] 绝无可能
on the (off) chance
1. just in case
• 万一
stand a chance
1. [usu. with negative] have a prospect of success or survival
• 有(成功或生存的)希望
 »his rivals don't stand a chance.
take a chance (或 chances)
1. behave in a way that leaves one vulnerable to danger or failure
• 冒险
  (take a chance on)put one's trust in (something or someone) knowing that it may not be safe or certain
• 冒险信任(某人或某事)
take one's chance
1. do something risky with the hope of success
• (为了成功而)冒险,碰运气
1. Middle English: from Old French cheance, from cheoir 'fall, befall', based on Latin cadere

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