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charge n.负荷;充电 vt.装满

/ tFB:dV /

verb, [with obj.]
1. demand (an amount) as a price from someone for a service rendered or goods supplied
• 要(价),收(费),要(人)支付(钱)
 »the restaurant charged £15 for dinner.
 »[with two objs.] he charged me 20,000 lire for the postcard.
 »[no obj.] museums should charge for admission.
  (charge something to)record the cost of something as an amount payable by (someone) or on (an account)
• 把(费用)记在(某人或某账户)账上
 »they charge the calls to their credit-card accounts.
2. accuse (someone) of something, especially an offence under law
• 指责(某人);控告(某人)
 »they were charged with assault.
  [with clause] make an accusation or assertion that
• 控诉说;断言说
 »opponents charged that below-cost pricing would reduce safety.
  [Law] accuse someone of (an offence)
[律] 以(一罪行)控告(某人)
3. entrust (someone) with a task as a duty or responsibility
• 使承担(职责或责任)
 »the committee was charged with reshaping the educational system.
4. store electrical energy in (a battery or battery-operated device)
• 给(电池,电池装置)充电
 »the shaver can be charged up and used while travelling.
  [no obj.] (of a battery or battery-operated device) receive and store electrical energy
• (电池,电池装置)充电,蓄电
  (technical or formal)load or fill (a container, gun, etc.) to the full or proper extent
[技,正式] 把(容器、枪等)装满,填满
 »will you see to it that your glasses are charged?
  [一般作 be charged with] (figurative)fill or pervade (something) with a quality or emotion
[喻] 使(某物)充满(或遍布)(某种特质或情绪)
 »the air was charged with menace.
5. [no obj.] rush forward in attack
• 冲锋
 »the plan is to charge headlong at the enemy.
  [with obj.] rush aggressively towards (someone or something) in attack
• (攻击中)猛冲向(某人或某物)
  [with adverbial of direction] move quickly and with impetus
• 冲
 »Henry charged up the staircase.
6. [一般作 be charged with] [Heraldry] place a heraldic bearing on
[纹章] 饰纹章于…
 »a pennant argent, charged with a cross gules.
1. a price asked for goods or services
• 要价,费用
 »an admission charge.
  a financial liability or commitment
• 债款;承诺款;承付款项
 »an asset of some £102.7 m should have been taken as a charge on earnings.
2. an accusation, typically one formally made against a prisoner brought to trial
• 指责;指控;控告
 »he appeared in court on a charge of attempted murder.
 »[mass noun] three people were arrested but released without charge.
3. [mass noun] the responsibility of taking care or control of someone or something
• 照管;主管,掌管
 »the people in her charge are pupils and not experimental subjects.
  [count noun] a person or thing entrusted to the care of someone
• 受照管人;被托管物
 »the babysitter watched over her charges.
  [count noun] [dated] a responsibility or onerous duty assigned to someone
[旧] 责任;法定职责
  [count noun] an official instruction, especially one given by a judge to a jury regarding points of law
• (尤指法官给陪审团的)训令,指令,嘱咐
4. the property of matter that is responsible for electrical phenomena, existing in a positive or negative form
• (正负)电荷
  the quantity of this carried by a body
• 电量
  [mass noun] energy stored chemically for conversion into electricity
• 可转化为电的化学储能
  [mass noun] the process of storing electrical energy in a battery
• (电池)充电
  [in sing.] [N. Amer. informal] a thrill
[北美,非正式] 快感,刺激
 »I get a real charge out of working hard.
5. a quantity of explosive to be detonated, typically in order to fire a gun or similar weapon
• (尤指枪等武器射击时的)炸药量
6. a headlong rush forward, typically one made by attacking soldiers in battle
• (尤指士兵打仗进攻时)冲锋
 »a cavalry charge.
  the signal or call for such a rush
• 冲锋号
 »he yelled to his bugler to sound the charge.
7. [Heraldry] a device or bearing placed on a shield or crest
[纹章] (盾牌或头盔上的)纹章;纹饰
free of charge
1. without any payment due
• 免费
in charge
1. in control or with overall responsibility
• 掌管;负全责
 »he was in charge of civil aviation matters.
lay something to someone's charge
1. [Brit. archaic] accuse someone of something
[英,古] 指责某人做过某事
press (或 prefer) charges
1. accuse someone formally of a crime so that they can be brought to trial
• 正式控告(某人的)罪行
put someone on a charge of something
1. [Brit.] charge someone with a specified offence
[英] 指控某人因…犯法
return to the charge
1. (archaic)make a further attempt at something, especially when arguing a point
[古] (尤指争论中)再次尝试
take charge
1. assume control or responsibility
• 掌控;负责
 »the candidate must take charge of an actual flight.
chargeable adjective
1. Middle English (in the general senses 'to load' and 'a load', from Old French charger (verb), charge (noun), from late Latin carricare, carcare 'to load', from Latin carrus 'wheeled vehicle'

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