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chase 追赶

/ tFeis /

verb, [with obj.]
1. pursue in order to catch or catch up with
• 追捕;追赶
 »police chased the stolen car through the city.
 »[no obj.] the dog chased after the stick.
  seek to attain
• 寻求;追求
 »the team are chasing their first home win this season.
  seek the company of (a member of the opposite sex) in an obvious way
• 追求(异性)
 »playing football by day and chasing women by night.
 »[no obj.] René is always chasing after other women.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] drive or cause to go in a specified direction
• 驱逐;驱赶
 »she chased him out of the house.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] rush or hurry in a specified direction
• (往某方向)冲;赶路
 »he chased down the motorway.
2. try to obtain (something owed or required)
• 追讨
 »the company employs people to chase up debts.
  try to make contact with (someone) in order to obtain something owed or required
• 向(某人)追讨
 »chasing customers who had not paid their bills.
  make further investigation of (an unresolved matter)[N. Amer.]
• 追问;追查[北美]
 »be sure you chase up late invitation replies .
 »investigators got a warrant, but they didn't have time to chase down the case .
1. an act of pursuing someone or something
• 追赶,追逐,追击
 »they captured the youths after a brief chase.
  short for steeplechase
• steeplechase 的简写
  (the chase)hunting as a sport
• 追猎运动
 »she was an ardent follower of the chase.
  [in place names] [Brit.] an area of unenclosed land formerly reserved for hunting
[英] (旧时)狩猎地;猎场
 »Cannock Chase.
  (archaic)a hunted animal
[古] 猎物
beast ( 或 bird) of the chase
1. (archaic)an animal traditionally hunted for sport across open country
[古] 被追猎于旷野的动物
chase the game
1. (in soccer) adopt attacking tactics, especially at the risk of being vulnerable to counter-attack
• (足球用语)(尤指冒着被反击的危险)采取进攻战术
give chase
1. go in pursuit
• 追赶,追求,追击
go and chase oneself
1. [in imperative] [informal] go away
[非正式] 滚开
1. Middle English: from Old French chacier (verb), chace (noun), based on Latin captare 'continue to take', from capere 'take'
1. [with obj.] [usu. as adj. chased] engrave (metal, or a design on metal)
• 雕刻(金属);(在金属表面)雕镂(图案)
 »a miniature container with a delicately chased floral design.
1. late Middle English: apparently from earlier enchase, from Old French enchasser
1. (in letterpress printing) a metal frame for holding the composed type and blocks being printed at one time
• (凸版印刷术)盛放排版完毕的活字和印版的金属框;活版架
1. late 16th cent.: from French châsse, from Latin capsa 'box' (see case )
1. the part of a gun enclosing the bore
• 枪管;炮筒
2. a groove or furrow cut in the face of a wall or other surface to receive a pipe
• (凿于墙面等的)嵌管槽
1. early 17th cent.: from French chas 'enclosed space', from Provençal cas, caus, from medieval Latin capsum 'thorax or nave of a church'

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