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cheap a.便宜的;劣质的;虚伪的 ad.便宜地

/ tFi:p /

1. (of an item for sale) low in price, especially in comparison with its value or with the usual price of similar items
• (商品)便宜的
 »they bought some cheap fruit in the market .
 »local buses were reliable and cheap.
  charging low prices
• 收费便宜的
 »a cheap restaurant.
  (of prices or other charges) low
• (价格等)低廉的
 »my rent was pretty cheap .
  inexpensive because of inferior quality
• (因劣质而)廉价的
 »cheap, shoddy goods.
  of little worth because achieved in a discreditable way requiring little effort
• 无价值的,用不正当手段得到的
 »her moment of cheap triumph.
  deserving contempt
• 可鄙的;可耻的
 »a cheap trick.
  [N. Amer. informal] miserly
[北美,非正式] 吝啬的
 »she's too cheap to send me a postcard.
1. at or for a low price
• 便宜地
 »a house that was going cheap because of the war.
cheap and cheerful
1. [Brit.] simple and inexpensive but not unattractive
[英] 价廉物美的
cheap and nasty
1. [Brit.] low cost and bad quality
[英] 便宜但劣质的
cheap at the price
1. well worth having, regardless of the cost
• 物超所值的
 »as an investment for the future, the books are cheap at the price.
on the cheap
1. [informal] at a low cost, typically lower than should be the case
[非正式] 便宜地
cheapish adjective
cheaply adverb
cheapness noun
1. late 15th cent.: from an obsolete phrase good cheap 'a good bargain', from Old English cēap 'bargaining, trade', based on Latin caupo 'small trader, innkeeper'

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