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cheat vt.欺骗,骗取 vi.行骗,作弊 n.欺骗;骗子

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1. [no obj.] act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage especially in a game or examination
• 作弊;欺诈
 »she always cheats at cards .
  [with obj.] gain an advantage over or deprive of something by using unfair or deceitful methods; defraud
• 骗取;诈取
 »he had cheated her out of everything she had.
  use different and inferior materials or methods unobtrusively, especially in order to save time or money
• 偷工减料;以次充好
 »the dish should be made with cream, but many restaurants cheat .
  [informal] be sexually unfaithful
[非正式] 不忠
 »his wife was cheating on him.
2. [with obj.] avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill
• 侥幸逃脱
 »she cheated death in a spectacular crash.
  (archaic)help (time) pass
[古] 消磨(时间)
 »the tuneless rhyme with which the warder cheats the time .
1. a person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage
• 骗子
  an act of cheating; a fraud or deception
• 欺诈行为,欺骗,诓骗
  [mass noun] a children's card game, the object of which is to get rid of one's cards while making declarations about them which may or may not be truthful
• 说谎游戏(一种儿童纸牌游戏,出牌时喊叫的点数可真可假,牌先脱手者胜)
1. late Middle English: shortening of escheat (the original sense)

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