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chestnut n.栗子;栗树;栗色

/ 5tFes7nQt , -nEt /

1. (也作 sweet chestnut)a glossy hard brown edible nut, which may be roasted and eaten
• 栗子
  [mass noun] a deep reddish-brown colour
• 深红棕色,栗色
  a horse of a reddish-brown or yellowish-brown colour, with a brown mane and tail
• 栗色马
  a small horny patch on the inside of each of a horse's legs
• (马腿内侧的)胼胝
2. (也作 chestnut tree, sweet chestnut,或 Spanish chestnut)the large European tree that produces the edible chestnut, which develops within a bristly case, with serrated leaves and heavy timber
• 欧洲板栗树
3. Castanea sativa, family Fagaceae
• 拉丁名Castanea sativa,壳斗科
  short for horse chestnut
• horse chestnut 的简称
• [用于树名或植物名,这些树或植物与欧洲板栗有亲缘关系,或产类似坚果,或其可食部分与栗子相似,如water chestnut]
an old chestnut
1. a joke, story, or subject that has become tedious and uninteresting because of its age and constant repetition
• 陈腐的笑话;老掉牙的故事;陈旧乏味的题材
pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
1. succeed in a hazardous undertaking for someone else's benefit
• 为某人火中取栗,为他人冒风险
1. early 16th cent.: from Old English chesten (from Old French chastaine, via Latin from Greek kastanea) + nut

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