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class n.班级,年级;种类,等级,阶级;(一节)课

/ klB:s /

1. a set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality
• 等级;种类,品种
 »it was good accommodation for a hotel of this class.
 »a new class of heart drug.
  [Biology] a principal taxonomic grouping that ranks above order and below phylum or division, such as Mammalia or Insecta
[生] 纲(目之上,门之下,如哺乳纲,昆虫纲)
  [Brit.] a division of candidates according to merit in a university examination
[英] (大学考试成绩的)等级
 »he received a third class in literae humaniores.
2. [mass noun] the system of ordering a society in which people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status
• (根据公认的社会地位、经济地位划分的)社会等级
 »people who are socially disenfranchised by class.
 »[as modifier] the class system.
  [count noun] a set in a society ordered in such a way
• 社会阶级,阶层
 »the ruling class.
  (the classes)(archaic)the rich or educated
[古] 富人;受过教育的人
  [informal] impressive stylishness in appearance or behaviour
[非正式] (外表、举止的)风度,气质,高格调,高品位
 »she's got class—she looks like a princess.
3. a group of students or pupils who are taught together
• 班,班级
  an occasion when pupils meet with their teacher for instruction; a lesson
• 课
 »I was late for a class.
  a course of instruction
• 课程
 »I took classes in Indian music.
  [N. Amer.] all of the college or school students of a particular year
[北美] 同届(大)学生
 » the class of 1907.
1. [with obj.] [常作 be classed as] assign or regard as belonging to a particular category
• 把…分类,将…归类
 »conduct which is classed as criminal.
1. [attrib.] [informal] showing stylish excellence
[非正式] 优秀的
 »he's a class player.
class A (或 B, C) drug
1. an illegal narcotic drug classified as being of the most harmful and addictive (or a less harmful and addictive) kind, possession or sale of which incurs corresponding legal penalties
• A(或B,C)类毒品(根据其有害程度和上瘾程度划分为A,B或C类的某种毒品,私藏或出售将导致相应的法律处罚)
class act
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)a person or thing displaying impressive and stylish excellence
[主北美] 出类拔萃的人,气质超群的人,出色的事物
in a class of (或 on) its (或 one's) own
1. unequalled, especially in excellence or performance
• (尤指优秀品质、表现)无与伦比的,独一无二的,独具一格的
1. mid 16th cent. (in sense 3): from Latin classis' 'a division of the Roman people, a grade, or a class of pupils'

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