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close v./n.关;结束 a./ad.近的(地);紧密的(地)

/ klEuz / v. / klEus / adj., adv., n.

1. only a short distance away or apart in space or time
• (空间,时间)近的,接近的,靠近的
 »the hotel is close to the sea.
 »her birthday and her wedding date were close together.
 »why don't we go straight to the shops, as we're so close?
 »the months of living in close proximity to her were taking their toll.
  with very little or no space in between; dense
• 紧密的;密集的
 »cloth with a closer weave.
 »this work occupies over 1,300 pages of close print.
  [predic.] (close to)very near to (being or doing something)
• 接近,快要(成为,做…)
 »on a good day the climate in LA is close to perfection.
 »she was close to tears.
  (of a competitive situation) won or likely to be won by only a small amount or distance
• (竞争)势均力敌的,不相上下的
 »the race will be a close contest.
  [attrib.] (of a final position in a competition) very near to the competitor immediately in front
• (竞赛成绩)接近前者的
 »she finished a close second.
  [Phonetics] . another term for high (sense 7)
[语音] high (义项7)
2. [attrib.] denoting a family member who is part of a person's immediate family, typically a parent or sibling
• 直系(尤指父母,兄弟姐妹)的
 »the family history of cancer in close relatives.
  (of a person or relationship) on very affectionate or intimate terms
• (人,关系)亲密的,密切的
 »they had always been very close, with no secrets at all.
  (of a connection or resemblance) strong
• (关联)密切的,(相似度)强的
 »the college has close links with many other institutions.
3. (of observation, examination, etc.) done in a careful and thorough way
• (观察、检查等)密切的,周全的
 »we need to keep a close eye on this project.
 » pay close attention to what your body is telling you about yourself.
  carefully guarded
• 被严守的
 »his whereabouts are a close secret.
  not willing to give away money or information; secretive
• 不情愿给的,吝啬的;小气的;秘密的
 »you're very close about your work, aren't you?
4. uncomfortably humid or airless
• 潮湿的;气闷的
 »a close, hazy day.
 »it was very close in the dressing room.
1. in a position so as to be very near to someone or something; with very little space between
• 接近,紧
 »they stood close to the door.
 »he was holding her close.
1. an enclosed space, in particular
• 围起的空间,尤指
  [often in names] [Brit.] a residential street without through access
[英] 巷子
 »she lives at 12 Goodwood Close.
  [Brit.] the precinct surrounding a cathedral
[英] 大教堂四周的围地
  [Brit.] a playing field at certain traditional English public schools
[英] 英国某些传统公学的操场
  [Scottish] an entry from the street to a common stairway or to a court at the back of a building
[苏格兰] (街道和公用楼梯或后院间的)通路,入口
close by
1. very near; nearby
• 靠近;附近
 »her father lives quite close by.
close on(或 close to)
1. (of an amount) almost; very nearly
• (数量)几乎;几近
 »he spent close to 30 years in jail.
close to the bone --› see bone
close to one's heart --› see heart
close to home --› see home
close up
1. very near
• 靠近
 »close up she was no less pretty.
come close
1. almost achieve or do
• 几乎要,差一点做
 »he came close to calling the Prime Minister a liar.
run someone close
1. almost match the standards or level of achievement of someone else
• 几乎赶上(某人的标准,水平)
 »the Germans ran Argentina close in the 1986 World Cup final.
too close for comfort
1. dangerously or uncomfortably near
• 近得危险;近得不适
 »an issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor's personal experience.
closely adverb
closeness noun
closish adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French clos (as noun and adjective), from Latin clausum 'enclosure' and clausus 'closed', past participle of claudere
1. move or cause to move so as to cover an opening
• (使)关闭
 »[no obj.] she jumped on to the train just as the doors were closing.
 »[with obj.] they had to close the window because of the insects.
  [with obj.] block up (a hole or opening)
• 封闭(洞口,开口)
 »glass doors close off the living room from the hall.
 »Stephen closed his ears to the sound.
  [with obj.] bring two parts of (something) together so as to block its opening or bring it into a folded state
• 闭合
 »Loretta closed her mouth.
 »Rex closed the book.
  [no obj.] gradually get nearer to someone or something
• 接近,靠近
 »he tried to walk faster, but each time the man closed up on him again.
  [no obj.] (close around/over)come into contact with (something) so as to encircle and hold it
• 包围,抱,握
 »my fist closed around the weapon.
  [with obj.] make (an electric circuit) continuous
• 接通(电路)
 »this will cause a relay to operate and close the circuit.
2. bring or come to an end
• (使)结束
 »[with obj.] the members were thanked for attending and the meeting was closed.
 »[no obj.] the concert closed with ‘Silent Night’.
 »[as adj. closing] the closing stages of the election campaign.
  [no obj.] (of a business, organization, or institution) cease to be in operation or accessible to the public, either permanently or at the end of a working day or other period of time
• (商业部门,组织,机构)关门,关闭,歇业,停业
 »the factory is to close with the loss of 150 jobs.
 »[with obj.] a hoax call which closed the city's stations for 4 hours.
  [no obj.] finish speaking or writing
• 结束讲话;结束写作
 »we close with a point about truth.
 »[as adj. closing] Nellie's closing words.
  [with obj.] bring (a business transaction) to a satisfactory conclusion
• 成交(买卖)
 »he closed a deal with a metal dealer and walked away with millions of francs.
  [with obj.] remove all the funds from (a bank or building society account) and cease to use it
• 结清(银行账目,房屋互助协会账目)
  [with obj.] [Computing] make (a data file) inaccessible after use, so that it is securely stored until required again
[计算机] 关闭(文件)
noun, [in sing.]
1. the end of an event or of a period of time or activity
• (事件、时间段、活动的)结束,结尾,终结
 »the afternoon drew to a close.
  (the close)the end of a day's trading on a stock market
• (股市一日的)收盘
 »by the close the Dow Jones average was down 13.52 points at 2,759.84.
  (the close)the end of a day's play in a cricket match
• (板球一日比赛的)终赛
  [Music] the conclusion of a phrase; a cadence
[乐] 短句结尾;收束
2. the shutting of something, especially a door
• 关闭(尤指关门)
 »the door jerked to a close behind them.
close the door on (或 to) --› see door
close one's eyes to --› see eye
close one's mind to --› see mind
close ranks --› see rank
closable adjective
closer noun
1. Middle English: from Old French clos-, stem of clore, from Latin claudere 'to shut'
close something down (或 close down)
1. cause to cease or cease business or operation, especially permanently
• (尤指永久)(使)停止营业(或运作),关闭
 »the government promised to close down the nuclear plants within twenty years.
  (close down)[Brit.] (of a broadcasting station) end transmission until the next day
[英] (广播电台)结束当日播音
close in
1. come nearer to someone being pursued
• 逼近
 »the police were closing in on them.
  gradually surround, especially with the effect of hindering movement or vision
• 包围;渐暗
 »the weather has now closed in so an attempt on the summit is unlikely.
  (of days) get successively shorter with the approach of the winter solstice
• (白天随冬至临近)渐短
 »November was closing in.
close something out
1. [N. Amer.] bring something to an end
[北美] 停止,结束
 »Steve tried to close out the conversation.
close up
1. (of a person's face) become blank and emotionless or hostile
• (人脸)板起
 »he didn't like her laughter and his face closed up angrily.
close something up (或 close up)
1. cause to cease or cease operation or being used
• 使停止;使停歇;闲置
 »the solicitor advised me to close the house up for the time being.
2. (close up)(of an opening) grow smaller or become blocked by something
• (开口)变小;堵塞
 »she felt her throat close up.
close with
1. come near, especially so as to engage with (an enemy force)
• (尤指为与敌军交战)靠近,逼近

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