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companion n.同伴,同事;[天]伴星(=~star)

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1. a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels
• 同伴,伴侣;同行者
 »his travelling companion.
 »fear became my constant companion.
  a person who shares the experiences of another, especially when these are unpleasant or unwelcome
• 有共同经历(尤指共患难)的人
 »my companions in misfortune.
  a person with similar tastes and interests to one's own and with whom one has an enjoyable, friendly relationship
• 志趣相投者;朋友
 »they were drinking companions.
  used euphemistically to denote a person's long-term sexual partner outside marriage
[婉] 情人;婚外长期性伴侣
  a person, especially an unmarried or widowed woman, employed to live with and assist another
• 职业伴侣(尤指未婚、寡居女性)
  [Astronomy] a star, galaxy, or other celestial object that is close to or associated with another
[天文] 伴星
2. one of a pair of things intended to complement or match each other
• 成对物之一;成套物之一
 »[as modifier] a companion volume.
  [usu. in names] a book that provides information about a particular subject
• 指南,手册;参考书
 »the Oxford Companion to English Literature.
  [Brit. dated] a piece of equipment containing several objects used in a particular activity
[英旧] (一件)成套用具
 »a traveller's companion.
3. [Companion] a member of the lowest grade of certain orders of knighthood
• 最低级爵士
 »a Companion of the Order of Canada.
1. [with obj.] [formal] accompany
[正式] 陪伴
 »he is companioned by a pageboy.
1. Middle English: from Old French compaignon, literally 'one who breaks bread with another', based on Latin com- 'together with' + panis 'bread'
1. a covering over the hatchway leading to a ship's companionway
• 升降口围罩
  (archaic)a raised frame with windows on the quarterdeck of a ship to allow light into the decks below
[古] 甲板天窗
  short for companionway
• companionway 的简称
1. mid 18th cent.: from obsolete Dutch kompanje (earlier form of kampanje) 'quarterdeck', from Old French compagne, from Italian (camera della) compagna ('storeroom for) provisions'

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