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complement vt.补充 n.补足(物)

/ 5kCmplimEnt /

1. a thing that contributes extra or contrasting features to something else in such a way as to improve or emphasize its quality
• 补充,增强
 »local ales provide the perfect complement to fine food.
2. [in sing.] a number or quantity of something, especially that required to make a group complete
• 足数;补足物;补足量
 »at the moment we have a full complement of staff.
  the number of people required to crew a ship
• (船员的)编制名额,定员
 »almost half the ship's complement of 322 were wounded.
  [Geometry] the amount in degrees by which a given angle is less than 90°
[几何] 余角
  [Mathematics] the members of a set or class that are not members of a given subset
[数] 余(数);补(数)
3. [Grammar] [语法] one or more words, phrases, or clauses governed by a verb (or by a nominalization or a predicative adjective) that complete the meaning of the predicate. In generative grammar, all the constituents of a sentence that are governed by a verb form the complement
• 补语
  (in systemic grammar) an adjective or noun that has the same reference as either the subject (as mad in he is mad) or the object (as mad in he drove her mad or manager in they appointed him manager)
• 补足语
4. [mass noun] [Physiology] a group of proteins present in blood plasma and tissue fluid which combine with an antigen–antibody complex to bring about the lysis of foreign cells
[生理] 补体,防御素
1. [with obj.] contribute extra or contrasting features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities
• 补充,增强
 »a classic blazer complements a look that's smart or casual.
  add to or make complete
• 增加;补足
 »the proposals complement the incentives already available.
in her complement
1. [Heraldry] (of the moon) depicted as full
[纹章] (月亮)满的,满月的
complemental adjective
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'completion'): from Latin complementum, from complere 'fill up' (see complete ).
--› compare compliment
1. Complement and compliment (together with related words such as complementary and complimentary) are frequently confused. They are pronounced in the same way but have quite different meanings: as a verb complement means ‘add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves’, as in a classic blazer complements a look that's smart or casualwhile compliment means ‘admire and praise (someone) for something’, as in he complimented her on her appearanceMistakes are common, particularly where complimentary is meant but complementary is written, as in honeymooners receive complementary fruit and flowers

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