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compose 组成

/ kEm5pEuz /

verb, [with obj.]
1. write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry)
• 创作(艺术作品,尤指音乐,诗歌)
 »he composed the First Violin Sonata four years earlier.
  write or phrase (a letter or piece of writing) with great care and thought
• 撰写,写作,写(信,文章)
 »the first sentence is so hard to compose.
  form (a whole) by ordering or arranging the parts, especially in an artistic way
• (尤指艺术地)构成,构图
 »compose and draw a still life.
  order or arrange (parts) to form a whole, especially in an artistic way
• (尤指艺术地)整理,收拾,布置
 »make an attempt to compose your images.
2. [一般作 be composed] (of elements) constitute or make up (a whole)
• 组成,构成
 »the National Congress is composed of ten senators.
  be (a specified number or amount) of a whole
• 占(整体的一定份额)
 »Christians compose 40 per cent of the state's population.
3. calm or settle (oneself or one's features or thoughts)
• 使平静,使镇定
 »she tried to compose herself.
  (archaic)settle (a dispute)
[古] 解决(争端)
 »the king, with some difficulty, composed this difference.
4. prepare (a text) for printing by manually, mechanically, or electronically setting up the letters and other characters in the order to be printed
• 排版,排稿(以付印)
  set up (letters and characters) in this way
• 排(字)
1. late Middle English (in the general sense 'put together, construct'): from Old French composer, from Latin componere (see component ), but influenced by Latin compositus 'composed' and Old French poser 'to place'
1. For an explanation of the differences between compose and comprise, see usage at comprise

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