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composition n.组成,构成,结构

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1. [mass noun] the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up
• 成分的性质;组成(或混合)方式;结构
 »the social composition of villages.
  the action of putting things together; formation or construction
• 组成,构成;混合,综合;构造
 »the composition of a new government was announced in November.
  [count noun] a thing composed of various elements
• 合成物,混合物
 »a theory is a composition of interrelated facts.
  (archaic)mental constitution; character
[古] 心理素质;脾性,气质;性格
 »persons who have a touch of madness in their composition.
  [often as modifier] a compound artificial substance, especially one serving the purpose of a natural one
• (尤指用来替代自然物的)人造物质,合成物质
 »composition tiles.
  [Mathematics] the successive application of functions to a variable, the value of the first function being the argument of the second, and so on
[数] 合成函数的运算
 »composition of functions, when defined, is associative.
  [Physics] the process of finding the resultant of a number of forces
[物理] 力的合成
2. a work of music, literature, or art
• (音乐、文学或艺术)作品
 »Chopin's most romantic compositions.
  [mass noun] the action or art of producing such a work
• 创作(文学或艺术作品);作曲
 »the technical aspects of composition.
  an essay, especially one written by a school or college student
• (尤指学生的)作文
  the artistic arrangement of the parts of a picture
• (绘画中的)构图,布局
 »lightly sketching in the compositions for his paintings.
3. [mass noun] the preparing of text for printing by setting up the characters in order
• 排版;排字。 见 compose (义项4)
4. a legal agreement to pay a sum in lieu of a larger debt or other obligation
• (偿还部分借款以勾销全部债务的)和解协议,和解偿还
 »he had been released by deed on making a composition with the creditors.
  a sum paid in this way
• 和解偿还的款项
compositional adjective
compositionally adverb
1. late Middle English: via Old French from Latin compositio(n-), from componere 'put together'

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