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concede 让步

/ kEn5si:d /

1. [reporting verb] admit or agree that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it
• (不情愿地)承认(或同意)…为事实(或正确)
 »[with clause] I had to concede that I'd overreacted.
 »[with direct speech] ‘All right then,’ she conceded.
 »[with obj.] that principle now seems to have been conceded.
  [with obj.] admit (defeat) in a match or contest
• (比赛、竞赛中)认(输);承认(失败)
 »he conceded defeat.
 »[no obj.] reluctantly, Ellen conceded.
  [with obj.] admit defeat in (a match or contest)
• 承认(比赛,竞赛)失败
 »they conceded the match to their opponents.
2. [with obj.] surrender or yield (something that one possesses)
• 放弃,让与,拱手让出(所有物)
 »in 475 the emperor conceded the Auvergne to Euric.
  grant (a right, privilege, or demand)
• 给予,授予(权利,特权);容许(要求),准予
 »the government conceded a key demand.
  (in sport) fail to prevent the scoring of (a goal or point) by an opponent
• (在体育比赛中)不能阻止对方进球(或得分),失(球,分)
 »they have conceded only one goal in seven matches.
  allow (a lead or advantage) to slip
• 失去(领先地位,优势)
 »he took an early lead which he never conceded.
conceder noun
1. late 15th cent.: from French concéder or Latin concedere, from con- 'completely' + cedere 'yield'

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