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confession 忏悔

/ kEn5feFEn /

1. a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime
• 认罪;供认,招供;供状:
 »he signed a confession to both the murders.
 »[mass noun] proof of this crime must be established by confession.
  an admission or acknowledgement that one has done something about which one is ashamed or embarrassed
• 认错;坦白;承认
 »by his own confession, he had strayed perilously close to alcoholism.
  a formal admission of one's sins with repentance and desire of absolution, especially privately to a priest as a religious duty
• (尤指对神父的)忏悔。 参见sacrament of reconciliation
 »she still had not been to confession.
  (confessions)(often humorous)intimate revelations about a person's private life or occupation, especially as presented in a sensationalized form in a book, newspaper, or film
[常幽默] (尤指书报,电影中以耸人听闻的手法暴露某人私生活或职业的)私生活揭秘,忏悔录
 »confessions of a driving instructor.
2. (也作 confession of faith)a statement setting out essential religious doctrine
• (宗教)信仰声明
  (也作 Confession)the religious body or Church sharing a confession of faith
• (有共同信条的)宗教团体,教派,教会
  a statement of one's principles:
• 信仰声明;行为准则的声明
 »his words are a political confession of faith.
confessionary adjective
1. late Middle English: via Old French from Latin confessio(n-), from confiteri 'acknowledge' (see confess )

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