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confine v 限制,监禁(con全部+fine限制→全限制→监禁)

/ kEn5fain /

1. [with obj.] (confine someone/thing to)keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or time)
• 限制;使局限
 »he does not confine his message to high politics.
 »your boating will mostly be confined to a few hours at weekends.
 »you've confined yourself to what you know.
  (confine someone to/in)restrain or forbid someone from leaving (a place)
• 禁止离开;关押,监禁;禁闭
 »the troops were confined to their barracks.
  (be confined to)(of a person) be unable to leave (one's bed, home, or a wheelchair) because of illness or disability
• (人)(因疾病、残疾)无法离开(床,家,轮椅)
 »he had been confined to a wheelchair for some time.
  (be confined)[dated] (of a woman) remain in bed for a period before, during, and after the birth of a child
[旧] (妇女)卧床分娩;坐月子
 »she was confined for nearly a month.
1. (confines)the borders or boundaries of a place, especially with regard to their restricting freedom of movement
• (尤指某个地方限制行动自由的)界限;边界;范围
 »within the confines of the hall escape was difficult.
  (figurative)the limits or restrictions of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity
[喻] (尤指学科或活动领域的)界限;范围
 »the narrow confines of political life.
confinement noun
1. late Middle English (as a noun): from French confins (plural noun), from Latin confinia, from confinis 'bordering', from con- 'together' + finis 'end, limit' (plural fines 'territory'). The verb senses are from French confiner, based on Latin confinis

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