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confirm 证实

/ kEn5fE:m /

verb, [with obj.]
1. establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case)
• 证实,确定(相信,怀疑,担心的事)
 »if these fears are confirmed, the outlook for the economy will be dire.
 »[with clause] the report confirms that a diet rich in vitamin C can help to prevent cataracts.
  报告证实,富含维生素C 的饮食有助于预防白内障。
  [reporting verb] state with assurance that a report or fact is true
• 证实(报道,事实)
 »[with clause] he confirmed that the general was in the hands of the rebels.
 »[with direct speech] ‘It is indeed proper coffee,’ I confirmed.
 »[with obj.] his story was confirmed by former colleagues.
  (confirm someone in)reinforce someone in (an opinion, belief, or feeling)
• 加强,巩固(某人的意见,信念,感觉)
 »he fuelled his misogyny by cultivating women who confirmed him in this view.
  make (a provisional arrangement or appointment) definite
• 确认(临时安排,约会)
 »Mr Baker's assistant telephoned to confirm his appointment with the chairman.
   make (something, especially a person's appointment to a post or an agreement) formally valid; ratify
• 使(某事,尤指任命、协议)生效;批准;认可
 »the organization has confirmed the appointment of Mr Collins as managing director.
  declare (someone) formally to be appointed to a particular post
• 宣布任命
 »he was confirmed as the new EC peace envoy.
2. administer the religious rite of confirmation to
• 施坚信礼,施坚振礼
 »he had been baptized and confirmed.
confirmative adjective
confirmatory adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French confermer, from Latin confirmare, from con- 'together' + firmare 'strengthen' (from firmus 'firm')

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