/ 5kCnflikt /
◙ noun1. a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one• (尤指持久的)意见不一;争论 »the eternal conflict between the sexes. 两性间的永恒冲突。 »[mass noun] doctors often come into conflict with politicians. 医生常和政治家发生争执。 a prolonged armed struggle• (长期的)武装斗争,战争;武装冲突 »regional conflicts. 地区性武装冲突。 [mass noun] a state of mind in which a person experiences a clash of opposing wishes or needs• (相反愿望或需要的)冲突,矛盾 »bewildered by her own inner conflict, she could only stand there feeling vulnerable. 她为自己内心的冲突所困惑,只能站在那里,感到脆弱无助。 a serious incompatibility between two or more opinions, principles, or interests• (两种或两种以上意见、原则或利益的)冲突,抵触 »there was a conflict between his business and domestic life. 他的生意和家庭生活之间起了冲突。◙ verb1. [no obj.] be incompatible or at variance; clash • 相左;冲突,抵触 »parents' and children's interests sometimes conflict. 有时父母和孩子的兴趣互相抵触。 »the date for the match conflicted with a religious festival. 比赛日期与一个宗教节日冲突。 »[as adj. conflicting] there are conflicting accounts of what occurred. 关于发生的事情说法不一。 [as adj. conflicted] [N. Amer.] having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings• [北美] (感觉)相互矛盾的,困惑的 »he remains a little conflicted about Marlene. 他对玛琳的感觉仍然有点矛盾。【派生】
♦ conflictual adjective【语源】
1. late Middle English: from Latin conflict- 'struck together, fought', from the verb confligere, from con- 'together' + fligere 'to strike'; the noun is via Latin conflictus 'a contest'