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contagious a 传染的(con+tag+ious)

/ kEn5teidVEs /

1. (of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact
• (疾病)接触传染(性)的,触染(性)的
  (of a person) likely to transmit a disease by contact with other people
• (人)可能带有人际传染疾病的;可能带触染原的
  (figurative)(of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others
[喻] (情绪,感觉,看法)有感染力的;可能蔓延开的
 »her enthusiasm is contagious.
contagiously adverb
contagiousness noun
1. late Middle English: from late Latin contagiosus, from contagio (see contagion )
1. in practice, there is little or no difference in meaning between contagious and infectious when applied to disease: both mean, roughly, ‘communicable’. There is, however, a difference in emphasis or focus between the two words. Contagious tends to be focused on the person or animal affected by the diseaseprecautions are taken with anyone who seems contagiouswhile infectious emphasizes the agent or organism which carries the disease: there are, for example, plenty of examples in the British National Corpus of infectious agent but none of contagious agent

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