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contest 竞赛

/ kEn5test / v. / 5kCntest / n.

1. an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity, or in a quality
• 竞赛,比赛
 »a tennis contest.
  a competition for a political position
• 政治职位的竞争
 »a leadership contest.
  a dispute or conflict
• 争论;争辩;争执;冲突
 »a contest between traditional and liberal views.
verb, [with obj.]
1. engage in competition to attain (a position of power)
• 竞争,争夺(权位)
 »she declared her intention to contest the presidency.
  take part in (a competition or election)
• 参加(竞争,选举)
 »a coalition was formed to contest the presidential elections.
2. oppose (an action, decision, or theory) as mistaken or wrong
• 对(行为,决定,理论)提出质疑(或异议);反驳,辩驳
 »the former chairman contests his dismissal.
  engage in dispute about
• 争论;争辩;辩论
 »the issues have been hotly contested.
no contest
1. (chiefly US). another term for nolo contendere
[主美] nolo contendere
 »he pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor counts.
2. a decision by the referee to declare a boxing match invalid on the grounds that one or both of the boxers are not making serious efforts
• (裁判因拳手比赛消极而宣布)比赛无效,比赛作废
  a competition, comparison, or choice of which the outcome is a foregone conclusion
• 已成定局的竞赛(或比较,选择)
 »when the two teams faced each other it was no contest.
contestability noun
contestable adjective
contester noun
1. late 16th cent. (as a verb in the sense 'swear to, attest'): from Latin contestari 'call upon to witness, initiate an action (by calling witnesses'), from con- 'together' + testare 'to witness'. The senses 'wrangle, strive, struggle for' arose in the early 17th cent., whence the current noun and verb senses

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