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continuous 不断的

/ kEn5tinjuEs /

1. forming an unbroken whole; without interruption
• 连续的;连贯的
 »the whole performance is enacted in one continuous movement.
  forming a series with no exceptions or reversals
• 持续不断的
 »there are continuous advances in design and production.
  [Mathematics] (of a function) of which the graph is a smooth unbroken curve, i. e. one such that as the value if x approaches any given value a, the value of f(x) approaches that of f(a) as a limit
[数] (函数)连续的
2. [Grammar] . another term for progressive (in sense 3)
[语法] progressive [义项3]
continuously adverb
continuousness noun
1. mid 17th cent.: from Latin continuus 'uninterrupted', from continere 'hang together' (from con- 'together with' + tenere 'hold') + -ous
1. There is some overlap in meaning between continuous and continual, but the two words are not wholly synonymous. Both can mean roughly ‘without interruptiona long and continual war; five years of continuous warfarebut continuous is much more prominent in this sense and, unlike continual, can be used to refer to space as well as time, as in the development forms a continuous line along the coastContinual, on the other hand, typically means ‘happening frequently, with intervals between’, as in the bus service has been disrupted by continual breakdownsOverall, continuous occurs much more frequently than continual (around six times more often in the citations for the British National Corpus) and is found in many technical and specialist uses ranging from grammar and education to mathematics

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