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cook n.厨师 v.烹调,烧煮;纂改(账目),捏造


1. [with obj.] prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by mixing, combining, and heating the ingredients in various ways
• 烹调,煮,烧
 »shall I cook dinner tonight?
 »[with two objs] she cooked me eggs and bacon.
 »[as adj. cooked] a cooked breakfast.
 »[no obj.] I told you I could cook.
  [no obj.] (of food) be heated so that the state or condition required for eating is reached
• 被烹调;被烧煮
 »while the rice is cooking, add the saffron to the stock.
  (cook something down)heat food and cause it to thicken and reduce in volume
• 熬制(食品)
 »cooking down the chutney can take up to 45 minutes.
  [no obj.] (cook down)(of food being cooked) be reduced in volume in this way
• 熬制
  (be cooking)[informal] be happening or planned
[非正式] 发生;计划中
 »what's cooking on the alternative fuels front?
2. [with obj.] [informal] alter dishonestly; falsify
[非正式] 用欺骗手段改变;伪造
 »a narcotics team who cooked the evidence.
  (be cooked)be in an inescapably bad situation
• 陷入困境
 »if I can't talk to him I'm cooked.
3. [no obj.] [N. Amer. informal] perform or proceed vigorously or very well
[北美,非正式] 干得起劲;做得欢;干得好
 »the band used to get up on the bandstand and really cook.
1. [often with adj. or noun modifier] a person who prepares and cooks food, especially as a job or in a specified way
• 烹饪者;厨师,炊事员
 »Susan was a school cook.
 »I'm a good cook.
cook the books
1. [informal] alter facts or figures dishonestly or illegally
[非正式] 作假;(非法)篡改(事实或数字)
cook someone's goose
1. [informal] spoil someone's plans; cause someone's downfall
[非正式] (使某人的计划等)受挫;使垮台
too many cooks spoil the broth
1. (proverb)if too many people are involved in a task or activity, it will not be done well
[谚] 厨师多了烧坏汤;人多反坏事
cookable adjective
1. Old English cōc (noun), from popular Latin cocus, from Latin coquus
cook something up
1. concoct a story, excuse, or plan, especially an ingenious or devious one
• 策划;捏造(情况,理由,计划)

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