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copy n.抄本,摹本;(一)本 vt.抄写;考试中抄袭

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(pl. -ies)
1. a thing made to be similar or identical to another
• 仿制品;复制品;拷贝
 »the problem is telling which is the original document and which the copy.
2. a single specimen of a particular book, record, or other publication or issue
• (书、唱片、出版物的)(一份)样本
 »the record has sold more than a million copies.
3. [mass noun] matter to be printed
• 原稿;手稿
 »copy for the next issue must be submitted by the beginning of the month.
  material for a newspaper or magazine article
• (报纸,杂志的)题材
 »it is an unfortunate truth of today's media that bad news makes good copy.
  the text of an advertisement
• (广告的)文字说明
 »‘No more stubble—no more trouble,’ trumpeted their ad copy.
(-ies, -ied), [with obj.]
1. make a similar or identical version of; reproduce
• 仿造;复制
 »each form had to be copied and sent to a different department.
  [Computing] reproduce (data stored in one location) in another location
[计算机] 复制,拷贝
 »the command will copy a file from one disc to another.
  write out information that one has read or heard
• 复写;记录(听过,看过的内容)
 »he copied the details into his notebook.
 »I began to copy out the addresses.
  behave in a similar way to; do the same as
• 模仿
 »she was such fun that everybody wanted to copy her.
  imitate or reproduce (an idea or style) rather than creating something original
• 仿效;因袭(思想,风格)
 »lifestyles copied from Miami and Fifth Avenue.
 »[no obj.] art students copied from approved old masters.
  (copy something to)send a copy of a letter to (a third party)
• 将(信的)复印件发给(第三方)
1. Middle English (denoting a transcript or copy of a document): from Old French copie (noun), copier (verb), from Latin copia 'abundance' (in medieval Latin 'transcript', from such phrases as copiam describendi facere 'give permission to transcribe')

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