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/ 5kC:nE /

1. a place or angle where two or more sides or edges meet
• 角
 »Jan sat at one corner of the table.
  an area inside a room, box, or squareshaped space, near the place where two more edges or surfaces meet
• 角(如屋角;盒角等)
 »he drove the ball into the corner of the net.
  (figurative)a difficult or awkward situation
[喻] 困境;绝路
 »he found himself backed into a now-or never-corner.
  a place where two streets meet
• 街角
 »the pub stood on the corner of Page Street.
  a sharp bend in a road
• (道路)转弯处
  [Brit.] a triangular cut from the hind end of a side of bacon
[英] (火腿后侧切下的)三角块
  [Climbing, Brit.] a place where two planes of rock meet at an angle of between 60° and 120°
[登山英] 岩石的两个平面构成的60°至120°的交角
2. a part, region, or area, especially one regarded as secluded or remote
• 隐僻处;偏远处
 » they descended on the college from all corners of the world .
 »she couldn't bear journalists prying into every corner of her life.
  a position in which one dominates the supply of a particular commodity
• 垄断;囤积居奇
3. (也作 corner kick)[Soccer] a free kick taken by the attacking side from a corner of the field after the ball has been sent over the byline by a defender
[英足] 角球
  a similar free hit in field hockey
• (曲棍球中的)角球
4. [Boxing & Wrestling] each of the diagonally opposite ends of the ring, where a contestant rests between rounds
[拳击,摔跤] 场角
  a contestant's supporters or seconds
• 运动员的支持者(或助手)
 »Hodkinson was encouraged by his corner.
verb, [with obj.]
1. [常作 be cornered] force (a person or animal) into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape
• 将(人或动物)逼入绝境;使走投无路
 »the man was eventually cornered by police dogs.
  detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will
• 强留(某人)谈话
 »I managed to corner Gary for fifteen minutes.
2. control (a market) by dominating the supply of a particular commodity
• 垄断;囤积
 »whether they will corner the market in graphics software remains to be seen.
  establish a corner in (a commodity)
• 垄断(某种商品)
 »you cornered vanadium and made a killing.
3. [no obj.] (of a vehicle or driver) go round a bend in a road
• (车辆或司机)转弯;拐弯
 »no squeal is evident from the tyres when cornering fast.
(just) around [或round] the corner
1. very near
• 很近的
 »there's a chemist round the corner.
fight one's corner
1. defend one's position or interests
• 维护某人的地位(或利益)
 »we need someone in the cabinet to fight our corner.
in someone's corner
1. on someone's side; giving someone support and encouragement
• 在某人一方;支持(或鼓励)某人
on (或 at 或 in) every corner
1. everywhere
• 到处;处处
 »there are Gaultier shops on every corner.
see someone/thing out of (或 from) the corner of one's eye
1. see someone or something at the edge of one's field of vision
• 斜着眼睛偷看
1. Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, based on Latin cornu 'horn, tip, corner'

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